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Cop Out door KC Burn
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Cop Out (editie 2011)

door KC Burn

Reeksen: Toronto Tales (1)

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14818191,274 (3.77)12
Fiction. Romance. Detective Kurt O'Donnell is used to digging up other people's secrets, but when he discovers his slain partner was married to another man, it shakes him. Determined to do the right thing, Kurt offers the mourning Davy his assistance. Helping Davy through his grief helps Kurt deal with the guilt that his partner didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth, and somewhere along the way Davy stops being an obligation and becomes a friend, the closest friend Kurt has ever had.… (meer)
Titel:Cop Out
Auteurs:KC Burn
Info:Dreamspinner Press (2011), Paperback, 200 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Cop Out door K.C. Burn

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1-5 van 18 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I received Cop Out by KC Burn, from Hearts on Fire Reviews, located here for an honest review.

Summary :

Detective Kurt O’Donnell and his partner Ben, make a good team. Kurt learned much about being a detective from Ben. Unfortunately, their partnership doesn’t last long. They stake out a building on a tip that turns out to be a set-up and Ben is killed in the explosion. The death of Ben reveals to Kurt a whole other side to his partner that he never knew about. At the funeral Kurt notices two strangers, a woman and a young man and the young man looks devastated. Kurt’s curiosity on who these people are and his desire to help them has Kurt doing a little investigating of his own. What he finds out stuns him. On arrival at Ben’s home Kurt finds a depressed and ill Davy. Piecing everything together Kurt realizes that Ben has been keeping secrets and Davy was the big one. But as Kurt learns more about Davy he finds out that his partner Ben also had a dark side to him. A side that cut Davy off from his friends and had such a tight grip on Davy’s behavior, that Davy had suppressed much of his own personality to be what Ben wanted him to be. Kurt is appalled and sets out to befriend Davy and help him take back his life. Cop Out is a story of friendship growing into so much more, a story of people breaking free of pasts and carving out a new one without fear. It’s a story about Kurt and Davy blossoming into who they are truly meant to be. But in doing so, it also tears them apart.

Description :

I will say right off the bat that I loved this story. Whenever I’m asked what my favorite M/M romance story is I always answer Cop Out. It has the wonderful character growth that I love in books. Absent between the two MCs was the instant love that I’m not terribly fond of. Instead the readers are entertained by a slow growing love between Kurt and Davy that pulls us into their world. A love that is palpable even though they engage in the most mundane of everyday activities.

The story is told through Kurt’s eyes and the author does a great job of getting us to feel Kurt’s emotions as he changes throughout the book. Kurt believes he is straight, but has never really had fulfilling relationships with women. At first, after finding out Davy’s situation, Kurt visits Davy about once a week but gradually over time increases his visits. During his increasing visits Kurt is able to chip away at Davy’s defenses and gets Davy to accept his help. With each interaction with Davy, Kurt feels more and more attraction for Davy and Davy also becomes closer to Kurt. Kurt begins to realize that he is gay but fears he can’t tell his large Catholic family else he’d lose their love and respect. Because of his fear he hides in his newly found closet and this turns out to be a bad choice when it comes to Davy.

We don’t really get to understand or know as much about Davy and his emotional state as we do about Kurt. Since the story is from Kurt’s pov we only get to see what he thinks Davy is experiencing. What we learn is that Ben had pretty much kept Davy completely dependent on him and Davy could barely function on his own. Kurt steps in to help with daily necessities and rebuilds Davy’s fragile self-esteem until Davy starts to become more independent, and in a chance encounter at a restaurant with Kurt, Davy’s friends start to return to his life. Unfortunately we learn that because of Ben’s hold over Davy, Davy’s thinking isn’t quite logical and it deeply influences his feelings about Kurt and leads up to the flash point between them.

I loved how the author showed the slow growing friendship between Kurt and Davy. How they each in their own way, helped the other through a tough time in their lives. And then the author blew it all up in a pivotal scene that I won’t tell you about. The scene was filled with anger but at the same time filled with tenderness depending on which character’s eyes the reader watches the scene. This was one instance that I could feel for Davy because he knew nothing about the true situation concerning Kurt and I could see the future guilt coming to settle down on him from a football field away. This one particular scene had tremendous emotional impact and I could identify with both characters. In the end I felt badly for Kurt. Both men made a mistake, but in the end it was Kurt who kept reaching out to Davy. I found Kurt’s dedication to Davy and his willingness to accept responsibility for what happened heartbreaking and touching. At this point in the story Davy vanishes for quite some time and we don’t hear about him again until a major event happens to Kurt and then Davy returns.

This leads up to the one flaw in the story that bothered me. We find out through Davy’s conversation with Kurt near the end, that Davy has pretty much got his act together after his disappearance. My question is if Davy knew Kurt still cared for him and was still reaching out for him, why wait until something tragic happens before he returns to Kurt? I felt that this was a bit of a cliché of a scene in that the potential partner only comes back to the other person’s side because of a tragic event. I didn’t feel the love as much at the reunion as I did in the earlier parts of the story. Kurt seemed to accept most of the blame for what happened and I also didn’t feel that Davy groveled enough. But I can understand why Kurt wouldn’t want Davy to grovel. Kurt just wanted Davy back in any way he could get him. Maybe it’s because we didn’t get a good feel for Davy’s personality throughout the story that I wasn’t satisfied with Davy’s character in the hospital scene. The good part of the scene was that it was a lengthy one and wasn’t anywhere near the last scenes in the book.
I enjoyed the secondary characters especially Kurt’s new partner, Simon. Simon was open-minded and protective. He was a good friend when Kurt needed one. Another character was Ian, Kurt’s brother. He doesn’t show up much in the story, but when he does the moments are important. I hope the author might consider writing Ian’s story. It could be interesting following Ian around for a while.

I wouldn’t call Cop Out an action driven story except for the scenes at the beginning and near the end. But it’s more about character growth and discovery which is what I personally like in M/M Romance stories. I don’t consider this story a ‘gay for you’ story either, although I can see how many people might. If you look at Kurt's behavior after meeting Davy you'll find that Kurt was attracted to other males, for example Justin, once he admitted to himself he was gay. Kurt didn't realize he was gay until he met Davy, however he did know that something was lacking in his relationships with women.

The author continued to spring surprises on the readers and there is a good one at the end that I liked very much. It was a nice touch.

Cop Out was well written and full of emotional impact without having to resort to large action scenes or over dramatic characters. The one hospital scene with the return of Davy is the one part I felt was a bit cliché and that affects my rating a tiny bit. I give this story 4.75 stars and round it up to 5 stars. I would recommend this to everyone interested in M/M Romance.

( )
  Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
Cop Out by K C Burn
Toronto Tales #1. Contemporary M-M romance.
Kurt doesn’t find out his former police partner was gay until after he was killed in an explosion. Kurt comforts and befriends a devastated Davy and eventually finds his feelings are more than just friendship.

Kurt has been unsatisfied with his dating for years and has no interest in going to strip clubs with his brother. When his feelings for Davy become jealousy, Kurt must take a look at his own life and sexuality. Is it possible he prefers men to women?
A coming out discovery for Kurt. His family doesn’t care as long as he is safe in his police job.

Touching and heartwarming. Especially the acceptance his family.

🎧 I listened to the audio version narrated by Tristan James. He did a wonderful job with all the males voices and made the main ones very distinct from each other. The mother’s voice…well, a good effort but rather humorous. I listened to this recording at 1.2 speed which I found the most natural speaking tempo. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Nov 6, 2021 |
Reading as part of BioB's Spring Cleaning week.
I should start off by saying this is one of my preferred tropes-GFY or, more accurately in this case, didn't realise I was gay all along.
The story takes place other quite an extended period of time and the time jumps weren't always obvious.Would have liked to see more of Davy in the third quarter of the book. The reunion was a touch too predictable and accepting on all sides for me. And I felt the moving in together was too rushed. Also while I understood why they were apart for such a large period of the book Davy's complete radio silence erked me, as did Kurt not getting in touch earlier.
And the reason for the brother's reaction was obvious.
All in all a solid and enjoyable read. I liked it but didn't love it. ( )
  Lillian_Francis | Jul 26, 2021 |
This author is fast becoming another of my favorites. The characters are so real and their situations are so true to life. I hoped so much for them to get their “happily ever after”. The story is heartwarming, but also heart wrenching at times. The characters of Kurt and Davy are believable, and so very layered, and brilliantly complex. I felt sorry for Kurt learning things about his work partner, Ben after Ben’s funeral. The more he learned and the things he saw when he went to help Davy told him more and more that he had never really known him at all. And here was Davy...Ben’s life partner...well let’s just say things were far less than anything resembling “good” and much more than a surprise. The story from here is an emotional roll-coaster; I had read one other book by this author. That was not in this 3-book series...and really enjoyed it so was happy that my two book bringing friends had bought more by this author. Thank you, guys. ( )
  Carol420 | Apr 28, 2021 |

This was such a sweet slow burn story with a little bit of angst.

I liked the writing, the pace and Kurt's journey.

I felt the ending was a bit rushed, and i would have loved to get Davy's POV.

Overall it was a cute, easy-read. ( )
  Shile.J | Apr 19, 2021 |
1-5 van 18 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
toegevoegd door gsc55 | bewerkscatteredthoughtsandroguewords, BJ (Jul 15, 2015)
audio edition
toegevoegd door gsc55 | bewerkPrism Book Alliance, caroline (May 27, 2014)
toegevoegd door gsc55 | bewerkHearts on Fire, Penumbra (Mar 30, 2013)

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Fiction. Romance. Detective Kurt O'Donnell is used to digging up other people's secrets, but when he discovers his slain partner was married to another man, it shakes him. Determined to do the right thing, Kurt offers the mourning Davy his assistance. Helping Davy through his grief helps Kurt deal with the guilt that his partner didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth, and somewhere along the way Davy stops being an obligation and becomes a friend, the closest friend Kurt has ever had.

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