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Oscar Wilde and the Vatican Murders: A…
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Oscar Wilde and the Vatican Murders: A Mystery (Oscar Wilde Murder Mysteries) (editie 2012)

door Gyles Brandreth

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1479192,549 (3.43)2
Authors Oscar Wilde and Arthur Conan Doyle team up to find a determined killer whose victims are tied to the inner workings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Titel:Oscar Wilde and the Vatican Murders: A Mystery (Oscar Wilde Murder Mysteries)
Auteurs:Gyles Brandreth
Info:Touchstone (2012), Edition: Original, Paperback, 368 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Oscar Wilde and the Vatican Murders door Gyles Brandreth

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Très amusant. Oscar Wilde, Arthur Conan Doyle et Axel Munthe mène l'enquête parmi les cardinaux.
  marievictoire | Aug 1, 2024 |
Oscar Wilde and Arthur Conan Doyle, are friends in London. Doyle receives 3 packages in the mail addressed to Sherlock Holmes from a post office at the Vatican.
The clues are a small embalmed severed hand, a small gold ring with the symbols from the Holy See and a lock of blond hair.
They deduce that they must travel to Rome to solve the mystery.
Interesting detective story as Oscar Wilde takes centre stage as the lead investigator. They meet several priests and brothers at the Vatican and everyone is under suspicion.
The story has real characters from this era which makes it more interesting.
Good but long winded tale. ( )
  MaggieFlo | Jun 11, 2024 |
Oscar Wilde's presence is charming and believable. I prefer the books in the series where Conan-Doyle is on the periphery, but it was still a well laid out-evenly paced mystery with a sprinkling of humor ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
This is the fourth book of the series I've read and I have enjoyed it as much as the others.

Arthur Conan Doyle has gone to Germany taking a suitcase of fan mail, for Sherlock Holmes, to sort through and catch up on. It has been a number of months and the mail has piled up. There he meets up with his old friend Oscar Wilde. While the two of them are sorting through the mail they find three small packets, from various months, addressed to Sherlock Holmes. There are no notes, only the writing on the wrappings and postmarks showing they come from Rome. The contents are quite disturbing: a severed hand, a lock of blonde hair and a finger with a rose-gold ring on it. The body parts appear to have been embalmed. What is the meaning of these items?

Oscar Wilde, a fan of Sherlock Holmes who sees himself as an amateur detective, convinces Doyle they need to go to Rome and solve the mystery behind the items. On the train ride there, they meet the Reverend Martin Sadler, an Anglican chaplain assigned to Rome, and Irene Sadler. Brother and sister, or ?? She is gentle and feminine and seems to have developed a fondness for Doyle. Reverend Sadler is reserved and distant.

Other characters are Dr. Axel Munthe, doctor to a number of the Vatican staff; James Rennell Rodd, who has a history with Wilde that isn't a fond memory; Monsignor Felici, Father Bechetti, Monsignor Breadspear, Brother Gentili and Monsignor Tuminello and Cesare Verdi, all in service of the Pope at the Vatican. All men with secrets behind their honourable façades.

At this time, Pope Pius IX has just died and things are in flux. There are also secrets that need to be unraveled to find the thread that will lead them to the solution of who sent the items and why.

Brandreth does his research well and paints a believable backdrop for his story to unfold. With Doyle as the storyteller in this book, the reader gets narration from observations and from involvement of the writer. Brandreth gives life to these characters and allows them to behave in a life-like manner. The feeling is one of being there while the the tale spins out.

I am definitely looking forward to reading more. ( )
  ChazziFrazz | Oct 19, 2017 |
Had no idea whodunnit, but then again, it's hot and thinkin's hard... Favourite line "If men married the women [they] deserved, [they] would have a very bad time of it." And a very close second: "...there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." ;] So true! ( )
  lollyletsgo | Aug 10, 2017 |
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Authors Oscar Wilde and Arthur Conan Doyle team up to find a determined killer whose victims are tied to the inner workings of the Roman Catholic Church.

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3 5
3.5 4
4 11
4.5 1
5 3

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