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Wer das Schweigen bricht (Geschichte erleben…
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Wer das Schweigen bricht (Geschichte erleben mit Spannung) (German Edition) (editie 2011)

door Mechtild Borrmann (Auteur)

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766362,951 (3.96)1
August 1939: six young people band together in the face of war-torn Germany, their friendship about to be put on trial as they land on opposite sides of World War II. Flash forward to November 1997: Robert Lubisch brings the group back together for the first time in decades to investigate a tragic family secret. Trust is shattered when one of the friends turns up murdered, leaving all of them guilty until proven innocent. Winner of the 2012 Deutscher Krimi Prize for best crime novel.… (meer)
Titel:Wer das Schweigen bricht (Geschichte erleben mit Spannung) (German Edition)
Auteurs:Mechtild Borrmann (Auteur)
Info:Pendragon (2011), Ausgabe: 15., 225 Seiten
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen

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Silence door Mechtild Borrmann

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La storia e' facile da pensare ma e' difficile da vedere
per tutti coloro che la subiscono sulla propria carne.
Albert Camus

Therese avverti' uno strappo dentro di se', come se fosse caduto qualcosa, vide Juri sparire nella nebbia. (186) ( )
  NewLibrary78 | Jul 22, 2023 |
Ich habe das Buch als Hörbuch gehört und fand es klasse. Es hat mich derartig gefesselt, dass ich gar nicht mehr aufhören konnte.
Der Arzt Robert Lubisch findet 1998 im Nachlass seines Vaters das Foto einer unbekannten Frau und den SS-Ausweis eines unbekannten Mannes. Aus reiner Neugier fährt er in den Ort, in dem das Foto aufgenommen wurde. Durch seine Nachfragen erinnert er an eine alte Geschichte, die bis in die Gegenwart nachwirkt. Das Buch ist toll: Glaubwürdige Figuren agieren, es bleibt stets spannend. Am Ende weiß man, wie es war. Und man wünscht sich, es hätte andere Wege für manche der Figuren gegeben. Absoulte Lese- oder Hörempfehlung und mein Lieblingsbuch der Autorin! ( )
  Wassilissa | Jul 10, 2020 |
August 1939: six young people band together in the face of war-torn Germany, their friendship about to be put on trial as they land on opposite sides of World War II. Flash forward to November 1997: Robert Lubisch brings the group back together for the first time in decades to investigate a tragic family secret. Trust is shattered when one of the friends turns up murdered, leaving all of them guilty until proven innocent ( )
  bpascoe | Apr 16, 2016 |
Friedhelm Lubisch founded a respected construction company and donated a fortune to the Association of Displaced Persons in Germany. But his son Robert never lived up to his expectations. While going through his deceased father's papers, Robert is reminded of the story his father told him of stealing a dead SS guard's papers and running away from the war front. He also finds a photograph of an unidentified woman from the same time period, and decides to try and identify her.

This novel deftly weaves past and present together to consider the question of identity. What makes us who we are? Our family? Our actions? Our secrets? What is the cost of keeping secrets? Or of breaking silence?

The past is the relationships and actions of five young men and women, close friends on the eve of World War II, who are separated by actions and ideaology. The present is Robert's search for the identity of the woman in his father's photo. The intersection of the two results in a murder and the uncovering of at least two secrets.

First published in Germany as Wer das Schweigen bricht (the one who breaks the silence), this novel won the 2012 Deustcher Krimi prize for best crime novel. Translated into English by Aubrey Botsford. ( )
  markon | May 11, 2015 |
Friedhelm Lubisch founded a respected construction company and donated a fortune to the Association of Displaced Persons in Germany. But his son Robert never lived up to his expectations. While going through his deceased father's papers, Robert is reminded of the story his father told him of stealing a dead SS guard's papers and running away from the war front. He also finds a photograph of an unidentified woman from the same time period, and decides to try and identify her.

This novel deftly weaves past and present together to consider the question of identity. What makes us who we are? Our family? Our actions? Our secrets? What is the cost of keeping secrets? Or of breaking silence?

The past is the relationships and actions of five young men and women, close friends on the eve of World War II, who are separated by actions and ideaology. The present is Robert's search for the identity of the woman in his father's photo. The intersection of the two results in a murder and the uncovering of at least two secrets.

First published in Germany as Wer das Schweigen bricht (the one who breaks the silence), this novel won the 2012 Deustcher Krimi prize for best crime novel. Translated into English by Aubrey Botsford.

Reviewed for NetGalley. ( )
  markon | May 11, 2015 |
1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
»Mechtild Borrmann ist mit »Wer das Schweigen bricht« ein sehr ruhiger, nahgehender Kriminalroman über Jugend, Liebe und Zurückweisung gelungen, der seine Glaubwürdigkeit aus den sorgfältig gezeichneten Figuren und ihren Lebensumständen bezieht. Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ist dabei ebenso Bedingung für die geschilderten Ereignisse wie die Charaktere mit ihren unterschiedlichen Sehnsüchten und Ängsten, die hier aufeinander treffen.«
toegevoegd door jochenB |, Kirsten Reimers

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Mechtild Borrmannprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Botsford, AubreyVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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August 1939: six young people band together in the face of war-torn Germany, their friendship about to be put on trial as they land on opposite sides of World War II. Flash forward to November 1997: Robert Lubisch brings the group back together for the first time in decades to investigate a tragic family secret. Trust is shattered when one of the friends turns up murdered, leaving all of them guilty until proven innocent. Winner of the 2012 Deutscher Krimi Prize for best crime novel.

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