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The Colorado kid door Stephen King
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The Colorado kid (editie 2005)

door Stephen King

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3,9251483,260 (3.22)1 / 105
On an island off the coast of Maine, a man is found dead. There's no identification on the body. Only the dogged work of a pair of local newspapermen and a graduate student in forensics turns up any clues. But that's just the beginning of the mystery. Because the more they learn about the man and the baffling circumstances of his death, the less they understand. Was it an impossible crime? Or something stranger still...? No one but Stephen King could tell this story about the darkness at the heart of the unknown and our compulsion to investigate the unexplained. With echoes of Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon and the work of Graham Greene, one of the world's great storytellers presents a surprising tale that explores the nature of mystery itself...… (meer)
Titel:The Colorado kid
Auteurs:Stephen King
Info:New York : Dorchester Pub., 2005.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De Colorado kid door Stephen King

  1. 10
    Grave Descend door John Lange (Scottneumann)
  2. 00
    Go with Me door Castle Freeman (wvlibrarydude)
    wvlibrarydude: The old men sitting around telling stories compared very well in method of telling story. If you liked this aspect of either book, then check out the other one.
  3. 00
    Baby Moll door John Farris (Scottneumann)
  4. 00
    Lood door Dan Simmons (Scottneumann)
  5. 00
    Pittsburgh Noir door Kathleen George (PghDragonMan)
    PghDragonMan: Local color is almost another character and adds depth to both titles.
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1-5 van 147 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This might have worked in a collection of short stories, but as a stand alone it really fell short. Two small time newspaper guys tell the new girl on the block, the mystery of a the guy who died on the island years ago. That's it. That's the story. ( )
  GinGirl70 | Sep 11, 2024 |
This one's a 3.5 rounded up to 4.

Often with King, the pleasure is not in where King takes you, but the journey he takes you on. I know there's a lot of readers who complain he can't stick the landing on his novels, and in some cases that may be true, such as with UNDER THE DOME and I'd even say more recently with HOLLY, however I'd say overall it's the exception, not the rule.

In this one, King warns you right up front that there's no satisfying ending here, and it's all about the actual mystery. This is my second time going in, and I knew damn well what was waiting in the final pages.

But I have to say, I do have a weakness for the stories where King just lets a character or two (or three, or five) relay the story to a listener. He did it with FROM A BUICK 8, he did it with THE WIND THROUGH THE KEYHOLE, he's done it a few times, and I truly enjoy it every time. This one's no exception.

It's a lightweight King novel, it's never going to be held up as one of the greats, but it's an enjoyable ride, no matter where King finally stops and lets you out. ( )
  TobinElliott | Jun 14, 2024 |
Este libro de King me aburrió por momentos, aunque es corto sentía que no iba a ningún lado y estaba lleno de detalles de relleno que no aportaban nada.

El misterio del cuerpo encontrado desde el principio queda claro que no quedara resuelto del todo, solo hay teorías y posibles escenarios. Eso si cuando ya estamos en la trama, después de la página 39!!, es una narrativa más dinámica, bien escrita y que pareciera ser una muestra de como funciona el periodismo en pequeños puebles de Norteamérica y que es lo "importante" en una noticia para ser publicado.

En resumen es una conversación entre un par de periodistas senior, de 90 y 65 años, contándole a una practicante de 22 años el caso de hace mas de 25 años que los dejo marcados. ( )
  Transitus | Feb 5, 2024 |
Had high hopes as always, nice read but did not pull me in. ( )
  Iira | Jul 7, 2023 |
A different and interesting story from the master King. A dead man is found on a beach in Maine by two high school students about 25 years ago. The mystery of the man, the locals nicknamed the Colorado Kid, is told by two older men who run the local newspaper to their young apprentice. I was skeptical of whether or not I would like this book because it hasn’t scored the best reviews. I was pleasantly surprised to have enjoyed it. It’s not just about the story of the Colorado Kid; it’s about a place in Maine, the relationships between the newspaper people, and the reality of mysteries. ( )
  NatalieRiley | Jun 17, 2023 |
1-5 van 147 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (11 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
King, Stephenprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
DeMunn, JeffreyVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Miller, EdwardIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Orbik, GlenArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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With admiration, for Dan J. Marlowe, author of The Name of the Game is Death: Hardest of the hardboiled.
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After deciding he would get nothing of interest from the two old men who comprised the entire staff of The Weekly Islander, the feature writer from the Boston Globe took a look at his watch, remarked that he could just make the one-thirty ferry back to the mainland if he hurried, thanked them for their time, dropped some money on the tablecloth, weighted it down with the salt shaker so the stiffish onshore breeze wouldn't blow it away, and hurried down the stone steps from The Grey Gull's patio dining area toward Bay Street and the little town below.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (3)

On an island off the coast of Maine, a man is found dead. There's no identification on the body. Only the dogged work of a pair of local newspapermen and a graduate student in forensics turns up any clues. But that's just the beginning of the mystery. Because the more they learn about the man and the baffling circumstances of his death, the less they understand. Was it an impossible crime? Or something stranger still...? No one but Stephen King could tell this story about the darkness at the heart of the unknown and our compulsion to investigate the unexplained. With echoes of Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon and the work of Graham Greene, one of the world's great storytellers presents a surprising tale that explores the nature of mystery itself...

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Gemiddelde: (3.22)
0.5 2
1 43
1.5 4
2 145
2.5 26
3 351
3.5 60
4 238
4.5 16
5 87

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