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Deep Freeze (West Coast Series) door Lisa…
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Deep Freeze (West Coast Series) (editie 2005)

door Lisa Jackson (Auteur)

Reeksen: West Coast Series (1)

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806828,557 (3.77)26
Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

A former screen diva's biggest fan is about to become her worst nightmare in this psychological thriller by the #1 New York Times bestselling author.

When she wakes up, she's very cold. Colder than she's ever been in her life. She can't move or speak. And then she sees him—the one who took her. And before she dies, she wishes she could scream.
Former movie star Jenna Hughes left Hollywood for a remote farm in Oregon to escape the confines of fame. But someone has followed her—an obsessed fan whose letters are shockingly personal and deeply disturbing. And while Jenna's already shaken up by what she's seen on paper, she'd be terrified if she knew what Sheriff Shane Carter is investigating. It's a grizzly case that started with the discovery of a dead woman in the woods. Now two more women are missing, one of whom bears a striking resemblance to Jenna.
… (meer)
Titel:Deep Freeze (West Coast Series)
Auteurs:Lisa Jackson (Auteur)
Info:Zebra (2005), Edition: 1st Edition 1st Printing, 512 pages
Verzamelingen:Katarina, Mireia, Jouw bibliotheek, Matilda, Aan het lezen, Te lezen

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Deep Freeze door Lisa Jackson

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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I really enjoyed the book. Was interesting from start to finish. ( )
  RoSands | Jul 18, 2022 |
4.5 stars

Jenna was an actress until an accident on her last movie. She quit and left for a small town in Oregon, after divorcing her husband and taking her two teenage daughters with her. Unfortunately, there seems to be a serial killer in the area, and Jenna seems to be the target of smaller crimes.

Probably not the most exciting summary, but I was really hooked on this one! I could call it a mystery, a thriller, suspenseful, and horror. I added in horror after reading one night before bed and having to convince myself to get up and do the nightly routine, including heading to the basement to clean the cat litter! Didn’t want to head down there... Although she wrapped up this book, at the end she started up what will be the second book in the series. I had already decided if it was a series, I’d be continuing; she didn’t need the cliffhanger to convince me. ( )
  LibraryCin | Jul 23, 2020 |
Really gripping mystery about Jenna who is a former movie actress who is being stalked by a serial killer and Shane is the sheriff. A lot of twists and trying to figure out who did it ( )
  afarrington | Nov 26, 2017 |
I thought this was a solid piece of suspense writing, despite being a little slow in spots. The focus is on Jenna Hughes, a successful Hollywood actress who gave it all up after a professional and personal tragedy, and her two daughters. Someone is stalking her, but in a very round-about way. Not only is there a good cast of characters, from the Sheriff to the overprotective neighbor to the best friend, but the weather itself is a character. The cold and the weather get in the way at every turn.

I think some of the parts where you’re in the killer’s head could have been cut back a bit — it got repetitive. But other than that, I don’t have many complaints. A little more romance would have made it perfect. Eventually, the romantic connection is made, but there’s not enough room left in the book for it to breathe. ( )
  miyurose | Jul 27, 2016 |
Great story but long winded delivery ( )
  kerbytejas | Mar 25, 2016 |
1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Lisa Jacksonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Monda, CarolReaderSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

A former screen diva's biggest fan is about to become her worst nightmare in this psychological thriller by the #1 New York Times bestselling author.

When she wakes up, she's very cold. Colder than she's ever been in her life. She can't move or speak. And then she sees him—the one who took her. And before she dies, she wishes she could scream.
Former movie star Jenna Hughes left Hollywood for a remote farm in Oregon to escape the confines of fame. But someone has followed her—an obsessed fan whose letters are shockingly personal and deeply disturbing. And while Jenna's already shaken up by what she's seen on paper, she'd be terrified if she knew what Sheriff Shane Carter is investigating. It's a grizzly case that started with the discovery of a dead woman in the woods. Now two more women are missing, one of whom bears a striking resemblance to Jenna.

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Gemiddelde: (3.77)
1 1
2 8
2.5 3
3 26
3.5 3
4 34
4.5 1
5 27

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