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- The Bicycle Repair Shop

door Angela Fisher

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Few psychological phenomena are more mysterious and intriguing than Multiple Personality Disorder. Here is the remarkable true story of one woman's recovery from MPD--from the severe childhood abuses that began her dissociations, to the terrifying decision to "share the family secrets", and the ultimate freedom that came with discovering a "love that doesn't hurt". You will meet some of the more than seventy personalities which made up Angela's "family", including Angie, the Boss and "the little ones". This extraordinary account gives an x-ray view into the workings of a fractured mind, and the therapeutic adventure which led to her triumphal recovery. As such, it is a roadmap for anyone who wants to discover the secrets to true healing and spiritual growth, no matter what their life circumstances.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorAleha, aquaticus
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Few psychological phenomena are more mysterious and intriguing than Multiple Personality Disorder. Here is the remarkable true story of one woman's recovery from MPD--from the severe childhood abuses that began her dissociations, to the terrifying decision to "share the family secrets", and the ultimate freedom that came with discovering a "love that doesn't hurt". You will meet some of the more than seventy personalities which made up Angela's "family", including Angie, the Boss and "the little ones". This extraordinary account gives an x-ray view into the workings of a fractured mind, and the therapeutic adventure which led to her triumphal recovery. As such, it is a roadmap for anyone who wants to discover the secrets to true healing and spiritual growth, no matter what their life circumstances.

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