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Hidden: A House of Night Novel (House of…
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Hidden: A House of Night Novel (House of Night Novels) (editie 2014)

door P. C. Cast (Auteur)

Reeksen: Het Huis van de Nacht (10)

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2,094378,026 (3.74)11
Neferet's true nature has been revealed to the Vampyre High Council, so Zoey and the gang might finally get some help in defending themselves and their beloved school against a gathering evil that grows stronger every day. And they'll need it, because Neferet's not going down without a fight.
Titel:Hidden: A House of Night Novel (House of Night Novels)
Auteurs:P. C. Cast (Auteur)
Info:St. Martin's Griffin (2014), 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Verborgen door P. C. Cast

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1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I hoped this was the last in the series. Unfortunately not. Drags on too long. I'm through. ( )
  LuLibro | Jan 22, 2024 |
There's nothing better than a series that keeps you on your toes. This installment in the HON Series is no different. I blew through it in no time and loved every minute of it.

When Neferet seems to have lost everything, she takes matters into her own hands. Zoey and her friends are in a bind and must get help from even those the don't trust. There's only so much Zoey can take and the Seer Stone is becoming a pain. Seeking the truth yet not knowing who to turn to when she believes she sees her ex-boyfriend from HS, it's all Zoey can take when it comes to the men in her life. While her heart wants to believe one thing her head is telling her it cannot be real.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone and Neferet had it coming when she kidnapped someone beloved by all of Zoey's friends. It's one thing to take away a family member that's already blew you off, it's quite another to threaten someone as close to Zoey as her grandma.

Absolutely loved this installment to the series! Moving on to Neferet's Curse. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
couldn't stark just think of Neferet and shoot his bow and make that the end??

ahem. ..anyways.

better than expected. to many character point of views. i don't care for Lenobia, Aurox, shaunee or the true sight girls perspective. They haven't had one before so why now 10 books in?

What happened to Raphaim and Stevie Ray chapters.... The good ones?

not even gonna bother reviewing as the books are all the same. ( )
  Enchanten | Mar 12, 2023 |
if my aspirations of becoming a countryside farmer dont work out, i'll write YA paranormal romance novels. ( )
  profpenguin | May 3, 2022 |
People change, love over comes is a big theme. Stress and worries about doing the right thing, saving those from the evil Neferet
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Cast, P. C.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Cast, Kristinprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd


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Neferet's true nature has been revealed to the Vampyre High Council, so Zoey and the gang might finally get some help in defending themselves and their beloved school against a gathering evil that grows stronger every day. And they'll need it, because Neferet's not going down without a fight.

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Gemiddelde: (3.74)
0.5 1
1 8
1.5 1
2 15
2.5 2
3 69
3.5 4
4 75
4.5 1
5 70

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