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Star Wars: Scoundrels door Timothy Zahn
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Star Wars: Scoundrels (editie 2013)

door Timothy Zahn (Auteur)

Reeksen: Star Wars Novels (0 ABY), Star Wars Universe (0 ABY)

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5333647,383 (3.66)16
Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:To make his biggest score, Han’s ready to take even bigger risks.
But even he can’t do this job solo.
Han Solo should be basking in his moment of glory. After all, the cocky smuggler and captain of the Millennium Falcon just played a key role in the daring raid that destroyed the Death Star and landed the first serious blow to the Empire in its war against the Rebel Alliance. But after losing the reward his heroics earned him, Han’s got nothing to celebrate. Especially since he’s deep in debt to the ruthless crime lord Jabba the Hutt. There’s a bounty on Han’s head—and if he can’t cough up the credits, he’ll surely pay with his hide. The only thing that can save him is a king’s ransom. Or maybe a gangster’s fortune? That’s what a mysterious stranger is offering in exchange for Han’s less-than-legal help with a riskier-than-usual caper. The payoff will be more than enough for Han to settle up with Jabba—and ensure he never has to haggle with the Hutts again.
All he has to do is infiltrate the ultra-fortified stronghold of a Black Sun crime syndicate underboss and crack the galaxy’s most notoriously impregnable safe. It sounds like a job for miracle workers . . . or madmen. So Han assembles a gallery of rogues who are a little of both—including his indispensable sidekick Chewbacca and the cunning Lando Calrissian. If anyone can dodge, deceive, and defeat heavily armed thugs, killer droids, and Imperial agents alike—and pull off the heist of the century—it’s Solo’s scoundrels. But will their crime really pay, or will it cost them the ultimate price?
Praise for Scoundrels
“Rapid-fire adventure [that] adds yet another dimension of enjoyment to a rousing galactic romp.”—Library Journal
“Highly entertaining . . . excellent Star Wars . . . There are many twists and turns [and] Zahn manages to find ways to twist them one step further than you’d expect.”—
“[Scoundrels] brings freshness to the franchise.”—USA Today.
… (meer)
Titel:Star Wars: Scoundrels
Auteurs:Timothy Zahn (Auteur)
Info:Random House Worlds (2013), 528 pages
Verzamelingen:My Room, Jouw bibliotheek

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Scoundrels door Timothy Zahn

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1-5 van 36 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
So, let's call a spade a spade here. This is not great literature. Heck, I would even hesitate to call it literature at all. It's fluff, a trifle, space junk. A bit of small beer, as Shakespeare would say. It's Lucas Books doing its very best to leave no minute of a Star Wars character's life unaccounted for. Nevertheless, it's good fun. In the run-up to the book's release, plenty of people labeled it "Star Wars meets Ocean's Eleven." And while some certainly meant that as a pejorative, I think it's the book's greatest appeal.

Look, this is a throw away story. It has to be, set as it is between the first two movies. At the beginning of Empire Strikes Back, Han is leaving the Rebellion because he still needs to pay of Jabba the Hutt, so we already know he doesn't "make his biggest score", no matter what how book jacket teases. The novel can't have any major impacts on either the main characters or the universe at large. So, why not bring together a bunch of relatively shallow, yet inherently interesting characters? The fact that most of the "scoundrels" are specialists, ala Ocean's Eleven, makes them that much better at their bit parts, and also that much easier to dispose of in the grand scheme of things. Character development is largely dispensed with as Zahn chiefly focuses on writing good action, tight dialogue, and sweet gadgets. Another upside to the disposable nature of the story is that a reader doesn't really need much background in the Star Wars universe to enjoy the book.

In a lot of ways, the best thing Zahn did as a writer was to not overplay the movie connection. I have read plenty of other Star Wars books which make too much of tying in to the movies. It's like the writer has a checklist of lines and plot points which they feel compelled to reference, never mind what it does to narrative flow. Otherwise solid authors will wreck a good scene just so a reader can say "Oh, Han has always said that line" or "So, that's why Leia's hair looks like that!" Maybe other fans dig that sort of thing, but not me. I'll take craft over cream filling any day. I think the created universe is better served by telling good stories as opposed to trying to make every little piece of it fit together. Fortunately, Timothy Zahn took the higher (and more entertaining) road. Sure, there are a couple of easter eggs hidden throughout (including one big, fat one at the end!), but basically what you're getting is a fun sci-fi heist story, perfect for lazy summer reading. ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
4 Stars

Despite this being published 10 years ago, the spirit of this fictional universe remains true!

Taking place right after the movie Star Wars, Han finds himself trying to find a lucrative job to get Jabba off his back. When he’s approached to put together a team to retrieve stolen goods, the lure of equally splitting over 160 million credits is too strong to pass up despite the fact that Han’s not actually an expert in thievery.

This is mission impossible to the max as Han and his team of scoundrels (so called experts in people skills, tech, explosives, surveillance, and specialty item “acquirement”) must breach an impenetrable fortress. To up the ante, they discover an extra lure to the job - a set of data cards that holds a plethora of blackmail material that many parties would be interested in. However, it soon becomes apparent that they’re not dealing with just another rote criminal but the notorious all powerful Black Sun crime syndicate. Toss in the Empire who also has a huge stake in acquiring the data cards, and this job just got potentially deadly real fast.

Reassuredly, in Zahn’s capable hands, multiple plot threads are going at once. The Star Wars world building and layering is impressive as twists, turns, enemies and friends, all become interchangeable. This works best by showcasing Han’s fly by the seat of his pants bravado that seems to consistently come out on the winning side and is always highly entertaining. It doesn't hurt that his entire team is impressive with their skills and ingenuity with great shoutouts to Lando and Chewie!

So, if you want a fun high stakes heist set in the Star Wars universe, then this should not disappoint!
( )
  A_Reader_Obsessed | Apr 21, 2024 |
While the novel is an interesting take on a heist story that is similar to Ocean's Eleven, it is the well done foreshadowing and back story that is setup for the film Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back that makes this novel a must read for original film trilogy fan! ( )
  waconner | Jun 29, 2023 |
I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I don't want to give anything away; Timothy Zahn is a complete and utter genius. ( )
  justgeekingby | Jun 6, 2023 |
Timothy Zahn is one of the only authors in this world that I would let get away with anything. That said, Star Wars heist Han Solo, a rolling ball and a whip in the same paragraph? Delightful! ( )
  ladyars | Dec 31, 2020 |
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Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:To make his biggest score, Han’s ready to take even bigger risks.
But even he can’t do this job solo.
Han Solo should be basking in his moment of glory. After all, the cocky smuggler and captain of the Millennium Falcon just played a key role in the daring raid that destroyed the Death Star and landed the first serious blow to the Empire in its war against the Rebel Alliance. But after losing the reward his heroics earned him, Han’s got nothing to celebrate. Especially since he’s deep in debt to the ruthless crime lord Jabba the Hutt. There’s a bounty on Han’s head—and if he can’t cough up the credits, he’ll surely pay with his hide. The only thing that can save him is a king’s ransom. Or maybe a gangster’s fortune? That’s what a mysterious stranger is offering in exchange for Han’s less-than-legal help with a riskier-than-usual caper. The payoff will be more than enough for Han to settle up with Jabba—and ensure he never has to haggle with the Hutts again.
All he has to do is infiltrate the ultra-fortified stronghold of a Black Sun crime syndicate underboss and crack the galaxy’s most notoriously impregnable safe. It sounds like a job for miracle workers . . . or madmen. So Han assembles a gallery of rogues who are a little of both—including his indispensable sidekick Chewbacca and the cunning Lando Calrissian. If anyone can dodge, deceive, and defeat heavily armed thugs, killer droids, and Imperial agents alike—and pull off the heist of the century—it’s Solo’s scoundrels. But will their crime really pay, or will it cost them the ultimate price?
Praise for Scoundrels
“Rapid-fire adventure [that] adds yet another dimension of enjoyment to a rousing galactic romp.”—Library Journal
“Highly entertaining . . . excellent Star Wars . . . There are many twists and turns [and] Zahn manages to find ways to twist them one step further than you’d expect.”—
“[Scoundrels] brings freshness to the franchise.”—USA Today.

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