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Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of…
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Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources (editie 2012)

door Zondervan (Auteur)

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"Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources makes available over fifty primary source selections that address various challenges to Christian faith in the history of Christian apologetics. The compilation represents a broad Christian spectrum, ranging from early writers like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, to Saint Teresa of Avila and Blaise Pascal, to more recent and present day apologists such as C.S. Lewis, Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Richard Swinburne and Pope Benedict XVI. Insightful introductions, black-and-white images, concise section headings and discussion questions guide readers toward a clearer understanding of classical defenses of Christianity. Annotated reading lists, a bibliography and author and subject indices contribute to the suitability of this anthology as a textbook or supplemental reader. Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources is an authoritative reference for key persons, concepts, issues and approaches in the history of Christian apologetics. It is especially useful as a supplemental textbook for students, allowing them to read great apologists and thinkers in their own words."--Publisher's description.… (meer)
Titel:Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources
Auteurs:Zondervan (Auteur)
Info:Zondervan Academic (2012), 560 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources door Khaldoun A. Sweis (Editor)

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Sweis, Khaldoun A.Redacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Meister, Chad V.Redacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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"Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources makes available over fifty primary source selections that address various challenges to Christian faith in the history of Christian apologetics. The compilation represents a broad Christian spectrum, ranging from early writers like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, to Saint Teresa of Avila and Blaise Pascal, to more recent and present day apologists such as C.S. Lewis, Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Richard Swinburne and Pope Benedict XVI. Insightful introductions, black-and-white images, concise section headings and discussion questions guide readers toward a clearer understanding of classical defenses of Christianity. Annotated reading lists, a bibliography and author and subject indices contribute to the suitability of this anthology as a textbook or supplemental reader. Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources is an authoritative reference for key persons, concepts, issues and approaches in the history of Christian apologetics. It is especially useful as a supplemental textbook for students, allowing them to read great apologists and thinkers in their own words."--Publisher's description.

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