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American Vampire Vol. 5 door Scott Snyder
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American Vampire Vol. 5 (editie 2013)

door Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque (Illustrator), Dustin Nguyen (Illustrator)

Reeksen: American Vampire (28-34 & Lord of Nightmares)

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2105133,733 (4.11)2
In the first story, series mainstays Skinner Sweet, Pearl, and company return to Hollywood in the 50s during the Red Scare. In a time where America was on the lookout for the next Communist threat, was the real danger something far more insidious? A major turning point in American Vampire lore begins here! In the second tale, familiar face and vampire hunter Felicia Book is "retired" from vampire hunting when she gets called back into action to track down and kill the most powerful vampire of all time. The hunt takes our heroes through post-war Europe, behind the Iron Curtain and into the heart of Russia to track this deadly enemy. Includes American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #1-5.… (meer)
Titel:American Vampire Vol. 5
Auteurs:Scott Snyder
Andere auteurs:Rafael Albuquerque (Illustrator), Dustin Nguyen (Illustrator)
Info:Vertigo (2013), Hardcover, 280 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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American Vampire Vol. 5 door Scott Snyder

Onlangs toegevoegd doorrudyleon, dancd, Mrs_Y, chkreiker, Furansrud, NightMarily
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Toon 5 van 5
Great stories in volume 5, especially the one set in Hollywood that changed the Red Scare into the Undead Scare. I'm really enjoying the art and creativity of this series, along with the progression of the characters. Hurry up with volume 6! ( )
  Harks | Dec 17, 2022 |
Excellent story and great graphics. ( )
  booklover3258 | Dec 22, 2019 |
I liked the two main story arcs presented here. The quest to liberate the master vampire who is being held underground in London was really interesting. I also enjoyed Pearl and Skinner's hunt for vampires being sheltered by Hollywood's elite. The epilogue at the end, featuring Felicia's mom was a little confusing for me. I would have been fine without it. ( )
  readingover50 | Jun 11, 2019 |
Awesomeness ensues. Blood runs everywhere. ( )
  DougGoodman | Apr 7, 2016 |
As usual, Scott Snyder's American Vampire continues to kick ass with its gritty, unique take on the vampire mythos.

In this collection, we're given two complete story lines and the teaser for a third. In the first two, there's a return to some of my favorite characters in the series. While I enjoy how Snyder continues to branch out by exploring different time periods in American history, as well as the humans and vampires that inhabit them, the characters of Skinner Sweet, Pearl Jones, and Felicia Book will always be my favorites.

In the first story, Felicia Book is reluctantly drawn back into The Vassals of the Morning Star when a vampiric threat targets her son. But this isn't just any vampire; this is Dracula, the Carpathian king who has lain dormant in the VMS stronghold until freed by the Russians. Of the two stories, this was my favorite as we witness Snyder seamlessly blend the Dracula myth into the world of American Vampire. My one complaint, however, is that the ending is abrupt and somewhat anti-climatic, but this gives me hope that maybe this story isn't as finished as Felicia believes.

The second story returns to Pearl Jones, the vampire whose husband, Henry, hangs between life and death after the events in volume 4. In an attempt to save him (and in a story line that somewhat mirrors that of Felicia Book), Pearl agrees to work for the VMS hunting down vampires who may be hiding in the homes of the Hollywood elite (giving an ironic twist to the "Red Scare" of the time period). This is not an easy decision for Pearl as she must team up with the ruthless, sadistic vampire who turned her--Skinner Sweet. Witnessing Pearl grapple with her feelings for Henry and coming to terms with his mortality is one of the strengths of this arc.

Finally, we have the third story, which does little more than return us to Abilena Book, mother of Felicia, and a new threat known only as The Gray Trader. Because this issue was published before American Vampire went on hiatus, we'll have to wait for its return in March 2014 to know precisely what this threat is, but there's no doubt that Abilena hasn't settled into old age and she's ready to rumble.

Overall, this is a strong collection and I continue to be impressed with Snyder's ability to weave all of these arcs into a story that moves the vampire out of the tired European conventions and into a story as vast and open to possibilities as the American West.

Cross posted at This Insignificant Cinder ( )
  snat | Jan 12, 2014 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (6 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Scott Snyderprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Albuquerque, RafaelIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Nguyen, DustinIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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In the first story, series mainstays Skinner Sweet, Pearl, and company return to Hollywood in the 50s during the Red Scare. In a time where America was on the lookout for the next Communist threat, was the real danger something far more insidious? A major turning point in American Vampire lore begins here! In the second tale, familiar face and vampire hunter Felicia Book is "retired" from vampire hunting when she gets called back into action to track down and kill the most powerful vampire of all time. The hunt takes our heroes through post-war Europe, behind the Iron Curtain and into the heart of Russia to track this deadly enemy. Includes American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #1-5.

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Gemiddelde: (4.11)
2 1
3 7
3.5 3
4 39
4.5 2
5 17

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