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Tactical Medicine Essentials

door John E. Campbell

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Medical support for special weapons and tactics (SWAT) units is different from civilian EMS in many ways. A tactical medical provider (TMP) is charged with providing life-saving care to downed SWAT officers and taking measures to defend against criminal suspects. Mastery of these skills requires extensive, specialized tactical emergency medical services (TEMS) training and experience in the tactical environment. Designed for EMS and medical professionals of all levels of training, Tactical Medicine Essentials provides the foundation needed to create world-class TMPs. Written by an experienced team of authors from diverse backgrounds, this text covers the essential curriculum of tactical medicine, including tactical patient assessment, expedient extrication and evacuation, and self-defense skills. It also goes into depth about the specialized equipment and techniques used by medical professionals with TEMS training and certification. Tactical Medicine Essentials thoroughly prepares medical professionals to safely accompany a SWAT unit into the tactical environment.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorzhuazhua88, TamaKalyanii, gtsurber, IIHCP
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Medical support for special weapons and tactics (SWAT) units is different from civilian EMS in many ways. A tactical medical provider (TMP) is charged with providing life-saving care to downed SWAT officers and taking measures to defend against criminal suspects. Mastery of these skills requires extensive, specialized tactical emergency medical services (TEMS) training and experience in the tactical environment. Designed for EMS and medical professionals of all levels of training, Tactical Medicine Essentials provides the foundation needed to create world-class TMPs. Written by an experienced team of authors from diverse backgrounds, this text covers the essential curriculum of tactical medicine, including tactical patient assessment, expedient extrication and evacuation, and self-defense skills. It also goes into depth about the specialized equipment and techniques used by medical professionals with TEMS training and certification. Tactical Medicine Essentials thoroughly prepares medical professionals to safely accompany a SWAT unit into the tactical environment.

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