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A Canadian's Best Tax Haven: The US (Cross-Border)

door Robert Keats

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Keep more of what's rightfully yours -- legally!When Canadians think of tax havens, they rarely think of the US; but it truly is one of the best options available for Canadians today.A Canadian's Best Tax Haven: The US proves it by showing readers actual tax situations and comparing taxes paid by a person with exactly the same income living in Canada, the US, and a traditional tax haven.By the author of the best-selling cross-border tax book The Border Guide: A Guide to Living, Working, and Investing across the Border, this informative book covers the following: What is a tax haven? Why you might want a tax haven Why traditional tax havens don't work What some of the prevalent myths about tax havens are and what the truth is Hidden costs of tax havens The US-Canada Tax Treaty Information on cross-border taxes for snowbirds --And more!This book shows you how to take advantage of tax haven strategies available to Canadians, easily and legally, and reduce your taxes payable. A Canadian's Best Tax Haven: The US doles out indispensable advice that will help you keep more of what you earn.… (meer)
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Keep more of what's rightfully yours -- legally!When Canadians think of tax havens, they rarely think of the US; but it truly is one of the best options available for Canadians today.A Canadian's Best Tax Haven: The US proves it by showing readers actual tax situations and comparing taxes paid by a person with exactly the same income living in Canada, the US, and a traditional tax haven.By the author of the best-selling cross-border tax book The Border Guide: A Guide to Living, Working, and Investing across the Border, this informative book covers the following: What is a tax haven? Why you might want a tax haven Why traditional tax havens don't work What some of the prevalent myths about tax havens are and what the truth is Hidden costs of tax havens The US-Canada Tax Treaty Information on cross-border taxes for snowbirds --And more!This book shows you how to take advantage of tax haven strategies available to Canadians, easily and legally, and reduce your taxes payable. A Canadian's Best Tax Haven: The US doles out indispensable advice that will help you keep more of what you earn.

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