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Jack and Kill (The Hunt for Jack Reacher…
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Jack and Kill (The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 3) (origineel 2013; editie 2013)

door Diane Capri (Auteur)

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603449,596 (2.93)1
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Does It Again! NEW Hunt for Jack Reacher book!

"Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character - I love her." Lee Child, #1 World Wide Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers

Jack Reacher: Friend or Enemy?

FBI Agents Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar get a lead on Jack Reacher. New Hope, Virginia, welcomed him yesterday. Is he there now? Will Otto and Gaspar stand face-to-face with Reacher? Or Down Deep, is Reacher A Wanted Man?

… (meer)
Titel:Jack and Kill (The Hunt for Jack Reacher Series Book 3)
Auteurs:Diane Capri (Auteur)
Info:AugustBooks (2013), 90 pages
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen, Borrowed from LAPL e-media

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Jack and Kill door Diane Capri (2013)

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Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar are back in a second short story in the Hunt For Reacher series. Operatinf under the radar to complete their assigned task of getting information on Jack Reacher, Otto and Gaspar are headed to the town of New Hope. Once there, what appears to be a basic traffic accident turns into more than what they expected.

Diane Capri has done a wonderful job creating a secondary storyline to Lee Childs' Jack Reacher series. Look forward to another full length novel in this series. ( )
  Ralphd00d | May 4, 2021 |
Title: Jack and Kill (Hunt for Jack Reacher Series #3 A Short Story)
Author: Diane Capri
Pages: 90
Year: 2014
Publisher: AugustBooks
My rating is 5 out of 5 stars.
Audiences will continue to enjoy the suspense filled story of two FBI agents attempting to build a file on a ghost. Not literally a ghost, but a man who can’t be found usually until he has already been there or people warning them off of their attempt to find Reacher. Now Otto and Gaspar are on the road going to locate those who knew Reacher when he was an MP in the army.
However, when they get to a small town they come upon what at first looks like a fatal car accident. They pull aside to see if it is Reacher under cover on the road, but what they discover has deeper ramifications along with a nationwide manhunt as they weren’t aware of being off the grid themselves. Many questions remain as to who Reacher is, who wants them to build the file about the man and why. Along with what will happen to the agents should they continue on their task no one is supposed to know they are on, but somehow do! Keep reading the novels and short stories to enjoy the mystery, suspense and characters in the Hunt for Reacher Series! ( )
  lamb521 | Feb 2, 2017 |
JACK AND KILL was the second short story in the Hunt for Reacher series. Again it was a very quick read. Even though these short stories were published after DON'T KNOW JACK, I think I might have enjoyed the series a little more reading these short stories first. They seemed to hook me more which then I would have read the full length novel. Having said that, I am not really sure. I am probably more confused now. Don't get me wrong these were good for short stories and getting readers hooked but why not a full length second novel. This did create more questions for me then I have answers. Once again, good read but a little disappointing.

Rating: 3

Reviewed by: KellyR,My Book Addiction Reviews ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Feb 4, 2013 |
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Does It Again! NEW Hunt for Jack Reacher book!

"Full of thrills and tension, but smart and human, too. Kim Otto is a great, great character - I love her." Lee Child, #1 World Wide Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers

Jack Reacher: Friend or Enemy?

FBI Agents Kim Otto and Carlos Gaspar get a lead on Jack Reacher. New Hope, Virginia, welcomed him yesterday. Is he there now? Will Otto and Gaspar stand face-to-face with Reacher? Or Down Deep, is Reacher A Wanted Man?


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