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Sampler 2: Contemporary Music Graphics

door Adrian Shaughnessy

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Sampler 2 is far more than just a remix. Like its predecessors, it captures and celebrates some of the most innovative and challenging graphic design work from the contemporary music scene, yet offers an even more penetrating and comprehensive examination of radical music packaging. Traditionally occupying the margins of graphic design practice, the record cover is increasingly recognized as a testing ground for innovative visual expression, inspired by, and amplifying our enjoyment of, the music itself. Sampler 2 features the best graphics from cutting edge designers who boldly reject the notion of the record sleeve as ephemeral packaging in favor of creating memorable works of art. The book includes work by leading graphic designers such as Stefan Sagmeister, Designers Republic, Farrow Design, Peter Saville, and Rudy Vanderlands, as well as showcasing some of the most groundbreaking designs for small underground labels from around the world. In an introductory essay, Intro co-founder and Creative Director Adrian Shaughnessy identifies and evaluates recent trends in music graphics, examining the position of small labels in relation to the commercial imperatives of large, monolithic record companies. He explores the idea of 'authenticity', revealing how sleeve designers are departing from mainstream imagery and digital technology, in a return to the 'real'. Issues also addressed include the convergence of graphic design and contemporary art practice, and the role of the musician in the sleeve design process. Sampler 2 is an inspirational resource for graphic designers and those working in visual communication, as well as appealing to anyone within the record industry andto music fans worldwide.… (meer)
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Sampler 2 is far more than just a remix. Like its predecessors, it captures and celebrates some of the most innovative and challenging graphic design work from the contemporary music scene, yet offers an even more penetrating and comprehensive examination of radical music packaging. Traditionally occupying the margins of graphic design practice, the record cover is increasingly recognized as a testing ground for innovative visual expression, inspired by, and amplifying our enjoyment of, the music itself. Sampler 2 features the best graphics from cutting edge designers who boldly reject the notion of the record sleeve as ephemeral packaging in favor of creating memorable works of art. The book includes work by leading graphic designers such as Stefan Sagmeister, Designers Republic, Farrow Design, Peter Saville, and Rudy Vanderlands, as well as showcasing some of the most groundbreaking designs for small underground labels from around the world. In an introductory essay, Intro co-founder and Creative Director Adrian Shaughnessy identifies and evaluates recent trends in music graphics, examining the position of small labels in relation to the commercial imperatives of large, monolithic record companies. He explores the idea of 'authenticity', revealing how sleeve designers are departing from mainstream imagery and digital technology, in a return to the 'real'. Issues also addressed include the convergence of graphic design and contemporary art practice, and the role of the musician in the sleeve design process. Sampler 2 is an inspirational resource for graphic designers and those working in visual communication, as well as appealing to anyone within the record industry andto music fans worldwide.

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