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Rogue of the Highlands

door Cynthia Breeding

Reeksen: Rogue (1)

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13Geen1,565,672 (2.5)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

She must tame a Highland barbarian...before he steals her heart.

Rogue, Book 1

With the death of her elderly husband, the Marquess Newburn, Jillian Alton is relieved that she will never have to endure another forced marriage. Until his long-lost son reappears to claim his title and holdings.

Left penniless, Jillian reluctantly accepts a tidy sum from the Prince of Wales to "refine" a Scottish Highlander who has inherited an English title—a man who shakes her resolve to never again let a man close enough to snare her in unwanted wedlock.

Ian MacLeod never planned to set foot in England, but the breakup of the clan system has left him in need of claiming the profits of his inherited English lands to support his people. When he meets the very proper Lady Newburn, he is intrigued...and determined to melt her icy heart.

It shouldn't be much of a challenge. After all, he's never met a lass who didn't quite willingly succumb to him. But he quickly learns that the beautiful, auburn-haired Jillian is no mooning maiden.

And there's something about her stepson that raises the hair on the back of his neck—a clear signal of danger that has never proved him wrong...

Warning: This book contains a sexy Highlander who will make the most proper of ladies have very improper thoughts.

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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

She must tame a Highland barbarian...before he steals her heart.

Rogue, Book 1

With the death of her elderly husband, the Marquess Newburn, Jillian Alton is relieved that she will never have to endure another forced marriage. Until his long-lost son reappears to claim his title and holdings.

Left penniless, Jillian reluctantly accepts a tidy sum from the Prince of Wales to "refine" a Scottish Highlander who has inherited an English title—a man who shakes her resolve to never again let a man close enough to snare her in unwanted wedlock.

Ian MacLeod never planned to set foot in England, but the breakup of the clan system has left him in need of claiming the profits of his inherited English lands to support his people. When he meets the very proper Lady Newburn, he is intrigued...and determined to melt her icy heart.

It shouldn't be much of a challenge. After all, he's never met a lass who didn't quite willingly succumb to him. But he quickly learns that the beautiful, auburn-haired Jillian is no mooning maiden.

And there's something about her stepson that raises the hair on the back of his neck—a clear signal of danger that has never proved him wrong...

Warning: This book contains a sexy Highlander who will make the most proper of ladies have very improper thoughts.


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