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Provoked (Dark Protectors Book 5) door…
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Provoked (Dark Protectors Book 5) (editie 2012)

door Rebecca Zanetti

Reeksen: Dark Protectors (5)

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1407202,096 (4.13)Geen
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

An alpha male vampire must persuade a vegan pacifist demon slayer to help him in battle in this paranormal romance by a New York Times–bestselling author.


A casualty of the war between the demons and the vampires, Jase Kayrs has been missing for six long years. His older brothers want answers—but they're going to have to get them from an unlikely source. For when Kane Kayrs tracks down Amber Freebird, what he finds is a blonde, vegan pacifist who has no intention of using her skills in his war...


Amber enjoys her life of chaotic freedom and has no intention of falling in line just because a sexy-as-sin vampire insists on order. Unfortunately, he discovers she may be the only hope they have of finding his brother, and there's no way he's going to let her go—even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation. The two are as different as can be, yet when the dominant Kane and the untamed Amber finally unite to rescue Jase, they just may find that opposites really do attract....

Praise for the Dark Protectors Series
"Hot and fast from beginning to end."—New York Times–bestselling author Kate Douglas on Fated

"Paranormal romance at its best!"—Cynthia Eden

"If you want hot, sexy, dangerous romance...this series is for you."—Paranormal Haven
"Sizzling sex scenes and a memorable cast."—Publishers Weekly on Claimed

.… (meer)
Titel:Provoked (Dark Protectors Book 5)
Auteurs:Rebecca Zanetti
Info:eKensington (2012), Kindle Edition, 337 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Provoked door Rebecca Zanetti

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[b:Provoked|13581798|Provoked (Dark Protectors, #5)|Rebecca Zanetti||19167282] (Dark Protectors, #5) by [a:Rebecca Zanetti|4149342|Rebecca Zanetti|]
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
4.75 Stars

When I started this series I didn't have the highest of hopes.
The 1st one way better than okay, but not great.
Although the potential was there for a great series.
I am so glad I kept reading.
These have become one of my favorite series.
The characters & their world is intriguing & complex.

Ms. Zanetti has definitely taken this series up several levels with the improvements she has made to her writing. The quality level goes up with every book.

Kane & Amber are great characters. Their personalities are complete opposites. This leads to some very humorous dialog and action. It also leads to 'off-the-charts' action in the romance department.
Very steamy intimate scenes.

Speaking of action.....
The suspense and the action in the war is picking up.
Things that will make you gasp, break your heart, and keep you wrapped up in this series.

I definitely recommend this series to all my adult, paranormal, suspense loving friends. ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
I am honestly turning into a Rebecca Zanetti fangirl. I find myself gobbling up--or at least buying--everything she releases. She seems to get better and better as she goes along. This book was no exception. We have brothers who are desperate to find their missing sibling. You feel their pain and the pain of their brother. The heroine is chaotic, but in a good way. This is just a fabulous series all the way around. The series starts out a little uneven, but quickly finds its legs. Highly recommended. ( )
  JordanSummers | Mar 31, 2020 |
A casualty of the war between the demons and the vampires, Jase Kayrs has been missing for six long years. His older brothers want answers—but they’re going to have to get them from an unlikely source. For when Kane Kayrs tracks down Amber Freebird, what he finds is a blonde, vegan pacifist who has no intention of using her skills in his war…
Amber enjoys her life of chaotic freedom and has no intention of falling in line just because a sexy-as-sin vampire insists on order. Unfortunately, he discovers she may be the only hope they have of finding his brother, and there’s no way he’s going to let her go—even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation. The two are as different as can be, yet when the dominant Kane and the untamed Amber finally unite to rescue Jase, they just may find that opposites really do attract… ( )
  treehousereader | Dec 16, 2018 |
*Book source ~ NetGalley

War is taking its toll and Jase Kayrs is enduring more than his fair share of the brunt of it. Kane Kayrs and his brothers have not given up hope that they’ll find their youngest brother, but it’s been years since his abduction by the enemy. When they learn of Amber Freebird and her rare ability to affect demons they send Kane to bring her in. The problem is, Amber has no clue that’s she’s other than human. They must convince the vegan pacifist to fight for them. For Jase. Before all is lost.

I didn’t enjoy this story as much as the others in the series. Kane comes off as much more arrogant in his story than the stories that came before and, man, for a genius, he is certainly stupid when it comes to love. Lol There are content errors, mostly with timeline, but other than these issues the story is fast, hot and exciting. Prepare to have your heart wrenched out of your chest when it comes to Jase though. That poor man has really been put through hell. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Nov 8, 2016 |
Awesome! Since Jordan's book, we got to see a lot more about the war going on in the supernatural world and all its consequences. Here, the main story is about Kane and Amber, but we also suffer with all the Kayrs while they're searching for Jase. Janie's storyline just got way more interesting and I can't wait for her's and, hopefully, Zane's story. Now on to Kane and Amber: incredible! I think the only couple that was better than them was Conn and Moira, but it was so very good to get to know more about Kane and why he is the way he is. Amber was a balm to him and the way she figured how to be the demon destroyer just cracked me up. ( )
  msralways | Aug 19, 2014 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

An alpha male vampire must persuade a vegan pacifist demon slayer to help him in battle in this paranormal romance by a New York Times–bestselling author.


A casualty of the war between the demons and the vampires, Jase Kayrs has been missing for six long years. His older brothers want answers—but they're going to have to get them from an unlikely source. For when Kane Kayrs tracks down Amber Freebird, what he finds is a blonde, vegan pacifist who has no intention of using her skills in his war...


Amber enjoys her life of chaotic freedom and has no intention of falling in line just because a sexy-as-sin vampire insists on order. Unfortunately, he discovers she may be the only hope they have of finding his brother, and there's no way he's going to let her go—even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation. The two are as different as can be, yet when the dominant Kane and the untamed Amber finally unite to rescue Jase, they just may find that opposites really do attract....

Praise for the Dark Protectors Series
"Hot and fast from beginning to end."—New York Times–bestselling author Kate Douglas on Fated

"Paranormal romance at its best!"—Cynthia Eden

"If you want hot, sexy, dangerous romance...this series is for you."—Paranormal Haven
"Sizzling sex scenes and a memorable cast."—Publishers Weekly on Claimed


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