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Traveling in Space door Steven Paul Leiva
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Traveling in Space (editie 2014)

door Steven Paul Leiva (Auteur)

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1311,549,807 (3.67)2
A unique first contact novel from the aliens' point-of-view; a 21st Century "Gulliver's Travels" with Homo sapiens as the Lilliputians.PRAISE FOR STEVEN PAUL LEIVA AND "TRAVELING IN SPACE""Steven Leiva not only promises, but delivers!" --Ray Bradbury"Leiva's immense gifts are matched only by his wry, biting wit" -- Paul Provenza; author of "¡Satiristas!" director of "The Aristocrats," host of Showtime's "The Green Room with Paul Provenza.""Wry humor, intellectual insight and terrific story telling are the consistent signatures of Leiva's work." -- Ken Kragen, legendary Hollywood producer/manager"This book is bloody brilliant!" -- Nate, "NoMoreCrazyPeople" on the Rational Response Squad Forum-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --The last thing the factfinders -- who call themselves Life -- expected to find while traveling in space in "The Curious" on a mission from their planet, The Living World, was other life. But one day they stumble upon the third planet out from a backwater sun and find it teeming with a vast diversity of life in- cluding one sentient and cognizant, if primitive, species that they dub: Otherlife.Being not only from "The Curious" but inherently curious themselves, they begin to study the Otherlife and their alien culture, discovering such strange things as: marriage, intoxicating drinks, weapons of minor and mass destruction, the gleeful inhaling of toxic substances, two-parent families, layered language, genocide, non-nude bathing, and -- the strangest thing of all -- religion.This first contact between Life and Otherlife, disconcerting for both, has moments of humor and moments of horror -- and neither escape the encounter unchanged.… (meer)
Titel:Traveling in Space
Auteurs:Steven Paul Leiva (Auteur)
Info:Bluroof Press / Space Craft International (2014)
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, ebooks and online books
Trefwoorden:contemporary, novel, SFF, American author, ebook

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Traveling In Space door Steven Paul Leiva

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Aliens who thought they were the only sentient life in the universe arrive on Earth.

The narrator is one of the aliens and the author does an excellent job of conveying an alien point of view, although it does mean the reader sometimes has to work hard to "translate" it. However, the only culture the aliens look at to understand such Earth concepts as politics, marriage, and religion is American. ( )
  Robertgreaves | May 26, 2023 |
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A unique first contact novel from the aliens' point-of-view; a 21st Century "Gulliver's Travels" with Homo sapiens as the Lilliputians.PRAISE FOR STEVEN PAUL LEIVA AND "TRAVELING IN SPACE""Steven Leiva not only promises, but delivers!" --Ray Bradbury"Leiva's immense gifts are matched only by his wry, biting wit" -- Paul Provenza; author of "¡Satiristas!" director of "The Aristocrats," host of Showtime's "The Green Room with Paul Provenza.""Wry humor, intellectual insight and terrific story telling are the consistent signatures of Leiva's work." -- Ken Kragen, legendary Hollywood producer/manager"This book is bloody brilliant!" -- Nate, "NoMoreCrazyPeople" on the Rational Response Squad Forum-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --The last thing the factfinders -- who call themselves Life -- expected to find while traveling in space in "The Curious" on a mission from their planet, The Living World, was other life. But one day they stumble upon the third planet out from a backwater sun and find it teeming with a vast diversity of life in- cluding one sentient and cognizant, if primitive, species that they dub: Otherlife.Being not only from "The Curious" but inherently curious themselves, they begin to study the Otherlife and their alien culture, discovering such strange things as: marriage, intoxicating drinks, weapons of minor and mass destruction, the gleeful inhaling of toxic substances, two-parent families, layered language, genocide, non-nude bathing, and -- the strangest thing of all -- religion.This first contact between Life and Otherlife, disconcerting for both, has moments of humor and moments of horror -- and neither escape the encounter unchanged.

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