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Masterchef Goes Large

door Masterchef

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20Geen1,129,493 (4.25)Geen
Do you have what it takes to become a top chef? Could you produce imaginative, attractive and delicious dishes under pressure? Could you learn the skills, tips and techniques you need to make it in the cutting world of food? Now you too can become a Masterchef in your own home with this lively book to accompany the major television series. All the help you need is here at your fingertips - the practical skills, Insider knowledge and indispensable hints for transforming the way you cook at home. Presenting 100 of the very best recipes from the series, the book is underpinned by expert advice and 16 masterclasses from acclaimed chef John Torode (as seen on 'This Morning'), plus tips on ingredients from popular food presenter Greg Wallace (as seen on 'Saturday Kitchen'). Illustrated with mouthwatering, full colour photographs throughout, and featuring a directory of specialist food outlets, this is the essential Masterchef guide for beginners and experts alike. Remember: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen… (meer)
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Do you have what it takes to become a top chef? Could you produce imaginative, attractive and delicious dishes under pressure? Could you learn the skills, tips and techniques you need to make it in the cutting world of food? Now you too can become a Masterchef in your own home with this lively book to accompany the major television series. All the help you need is here at your fingertips - the practical skills, Insider knowledge and indispensable hints for transforming the way you cook at home. Presenting 100 of the very best recipes from the series, the book is underpinned by expert advice and 16 masterclasses from acclaimed chef John Torode (as seen on 'This Morning'), plus tips on ingredients from popular food presenter Greg Wallace (as seen on 'Saturday Kitchen'). Illustrated with mouthwatering, full colour photographs throughout, and featuring a directory of specialist food outlets, this is the essential Masterchef guide for beginners and experts alike. Remember: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

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