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Due Justice: Judge Willa Carson Mystery…
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Due Justice: Judge Willa Carson Mystery Novel (The Hunt For Justice Series Book 1) (origineel 2011; editie 2014)

door Diane Capri (Auteur)

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1537184,862 (2.92)6
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Returns!

For fans of Lee Child, John Grisham, and Michael Connelly

"Full of thrills and tension - but smart and human too." —Lee Child , #1 World Wide Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers

Judge Willa Carson is bullet proof – except when wild justice rules from the grip of a gun.

When a famous plastic surgeon's decomposed body surfaces in Tampa Bay with a bullet in its head, Federal Judge Willa Carson's "little sister" is caught in a high-stakes game of greedy lawyers, blackmail and deceit. Carly Austin knew the victim too well. Does she know too much about the killer, too? Before Willa discovers the answer, Carly disappears. Can Willa save Carly from herself and the murderous conspiracy? Or have they killed Carly, too?

Free-sprited Judge Wilhelmina Carson is quick, witty and stubborn. She finds nothing is what it seems in a world where attractive women with enough money are made, not born, and beauty can cost your life. Judge Willa debuts in this fast-paced mystery filled with great characters, humor and suspense.

*formerly titled "Carly's Conspiracy"

… (meer)
Titel:Due Justice: Judge Willa Carson Mystery Novel (The Hunt For Justice Series Book 1)
Auteurs:Diane Capri (Auteur)
Info:AugustBooks (2014), 318 pages
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen, Borrowed from LAPL e-media

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Due Justice door Diane Capri (2011)

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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
An easy-going, chatty read, written in the first person. The story is told by Willa Carson, a judge in Tampa, as she gets drawn into a mystery involving her sister, breast implant healthcare cases, murder, and more. The first of a continuing character series, the characters background is developed gradually thru the story and Willa and her husband have an enviable relationship, her sister, not-so-much.

This book would qualify as a nice quick summer read mystery. Pleasant, entertaining, not-too-gruesome, moves right along. ( )
  Terrie2018 | Feb 21, 2020 |
Title: Due Justice (The Hunt for Justice Series #1)
Author: Diane Capri
Pages: 316
Year: 2014
Publisher: AugustBooks
My rating 5 out of 5 stars.
Due Justice introduces to audiences the main character of Judge Wilhelmina (Willa) Carson as a federal judge in the Tampa Bay area. We get bits and pieces of Willa’s past throughout the novel. She is married to a man named George who owns and runs a very famous restaurant on the first floor of the building where they live. On the second floor, the judge and her husband reside with two dogs who are supposed to be guard dogs, but are more like fun-loving puppies to all who come in the door.
Willa, at least to me, is a unique character with strong convictions and a Mighty Mouse complex. Her husband attached that Mighty Mouse name to her because she always wants to rush in where fools shouldn’t because she wants to fix a problem. However, in this story, Willa is beginning to see that she cannot save all even though she tries very hard. I like her ability to read most of the other characters’ actions, words and body language whether they are in her court or elsewhere.
Willa especially tries to save her sister Carly from her own self-destruction and the multiple situations she seems to create in her life. Carly is the youngest and her insecurities and strong-willed nature tend to put her in tough spots. She also has a problem of not telling the truth even to Willa. Willa begins to try and figure out what Carly shared with her, including knowing the identity of a recent murder victim before the police! With Willa’s job and oath to office, she comes very close to being impeached as a federal judge.
Now Willa is not a saint; she is a cigar-toting woman in her private home and sometimes her actions put her in danger. In the novel, there are a couple uses of foul language, but overall the author does an excellent job of keeping readers engrossed in the mystery while at the same time building suspense. There were a couple of times I found myself laughing just imaging a scene in the book or reading Willa’s thoughts about some people in the higher echelons of society. I plan on reading the next novel in the series soon titled, Twisted Justice. Watch for a review coming soon! ( )
  lamb521 | Mar 14, 2017 |
a free ebook. this book was called Carly's conspiracy when i got it. i liked it even though i figured out who the killer was before she did. i liked the various secrets that were revealed that i did not guess. the characters were cool and smart and rich and classy and tough. ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
a free ebook. this book was called Carly's conspiracy when i got it. i liked it even though i figured out who the killer was before she did. i liked the various secrets that were revealed that i did not guess. the characters were cool and smart and rich and classy and tough. ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
a free ebook. this book was called Carly's conspiracy when i got it. i liked it even though i figured out who the killer was before she did. i liked the various secrets that were revealed that i did not guess. the characters were cool and smart and rich and classy and tough. ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author DIANE CAPRI Returns!

For fans of Lee Child, John Grisham, and Michael Connelly

"Full of thrills and tension - but smart and human too." —Lee Child , #1 World Wide Bestselling Author of Jack Reacher Thrillers

Judge Willa Carson is bullet proof – except when wild justice rules from the grip of a gun.

When a famous plastic surgeon's decomposed body surfaces in Tampa Bay with a bullet in its head, Federal Judge Willa Carson's "little sister" is caught in a high-stakes game of greedy lawyers, blackmail and deceit. Carly Austin knew the victim too well. Does she know too much about the killer, too? Before Willa discovers the answer, Carly disappears. Can Willa save Carly from herself and the murderous conspiracy? Or have they killed Carly, too?

Free-sprited Judge Wilhelmina Carson is quick, witty and stubborn. She finds nothing is what it seems in a world where attractive women with enough money are made, not born, and beauty can cost your life. Judge Willa debuts in this fast-paced mystery filled with great characters, humor and suspense.

*formerly titled "Carly's Conspiracy"


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Diane Capri is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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