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London door Edward Rutherfurd
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London (origineel 1997; editie 1998)

door Edward Rutherfurd (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
4,600792,582 (3.94)158
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:“A TOUR DE FORCE . . . London tracks the history of the English capital from the days of the Celts until the present time. . . . Breathtaking.”—The Orlando Sentinel

A master of epic historical fiction, Edward Rutherford gives us a sweeping novel of London, a glorious pageant spanning two thousand years. He brings this vibrant city's long and noble history alive through his saga of ever-shifting fortunes, fates, and intrigues of a half-dozen families, from the age of Julius Caesar to the twentieth century. Generation after generation, these families embody the passion, struggle, wealth, and verve of the greatest city in the Old World.

Praise for London

“Remarkable . . . The invasion by Julius Caesar’s legions in 54 B.C. . . . The rise of chivalry and the Crusades . . . The building of the Globe theatre . . . and the coming of the Industrial Revolution. . . . What a delightful way to get the feel of London and of English history. . . . We witness first-hand the lust of Henry VIII. We overhear Geoffrey Chaucer deciding to write The Canterbury Tales. . . . Each episode is a punchy tale made up of bite-size chunks ending in tiny cliffhangers.”—The New York Times

“Hold-your-breath suspense, buccaneering adventure, and passionate tales of love and war.”The Times (London)

“Fascinating . . . A sprawling epic.”San Francisco Chronicle.
… (meer)
Auteurs:Edward Rutherfurd (Auteur)
Info:Arrow (1998), Edition: New edition, 1328 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Londen : roman van een stad door Edward Rutherfurd (1997)

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Verhalen over het leven van enkele families in Londen, van 54 na Chr. tot 1997. Ieder verhaal speelt in een andere periode en soms komen personages weer terug. Je leert heel veel over de geschiedenis van deze stad. ( )
  biebfilmpie | Sep 30, 2009 |
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Informatie uit de Spaanse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Verwante films
Roman van een stad
Dit werk is opgedragen aan de conservatoren en de stafmedewerkers van het Museum of London.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Many times since the Earth was young, the place had lain under the sea.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:“A TOUR DE FORCE . . . London tracks the history of the English capital from the days of the Celts until the present time. . . . Breathtaking.”—The Orlando Sentinel

A master of epic historical fiction, Edward Rutherford gives us a sweeping novel of London, a glorious pageant spanning two thousand years. He brings this vibrant city's long and noble history alive through his saga of ever-shifting fortunes, fates, and intrigues of a half-dozen families, from the age of Julius Caesar to the twentieth century. Generation after generation, these families embody the passion, struggle, wealth, and verve of the greatest city in the Old World.

Praise for London

“Remarkable . . . The invasion by Julius Caesar’s legions in 54 B.C. . . . The rise of chivalry and the Crusades . . . The building of the Globe theatre . . . and the coming of the Industrial Revolution. . . . What a delightful way to get the feel of London and of English history. . . . We witness first-hand the lust of Henry VIII. We overhear Geoffrey Chaucer deciding to write The Canterbury Tales. . . . Each episode is a punchy tale made up of bite-size chunks ending in tiny cliffhangers.”—The New York Times

“Hold-your-breath suspense, buccaneering adventure, and passionate tales of love and war.”The Times (London)

“Fascinating . . . A sprawling epic.”San Francisco Chronicle.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
0.5 1
1 14
1.5 1
2 36
2.5 13
3 146
3.5 46
4 259
4.5 22
5 250

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