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Revealed: A House of Night Novel (House of…
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Revealed: A House of Night Novel (House of Night Novels) (editie 2015)

door P. C. Cast (Auteur)

Reeksen: Het Huis van de Nacht (11)

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1,5092312,564 (3.57)3
Drastically altered after her fall, Neferet is now more dangerous than ever--and her quest for vengeance will wreak havoc on humans, as well as Zoey and her friends. Chaos is loosed in Tulsa and the House of Night is blamed. Can Zoey stop Neferet in time to keep her anger from escalating to full-on war? Or will someone else have to step in to take the fall?… (meer)
Titel:Revealed: A House of Night Novel (House of Night Novels)
Auteurs:P. C. Cast (Auteur)
Info:St. Martin's Griffin (2015), Edition: Reprint, 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Revealed door P. C. Cast

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1-5 van 23 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
They are impossible to put down. They have a perfect balance of the possible and the impossible. They capture the imagination of the young and mature alike. The characters personalities captivate you anf help you to relate to the. I hope the series has many more years of successful book additions.I will continue recommending them to all new or avid readers. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
I think these books are more enjoyable if they can be read from start to finish with very little time between each title

I say this because, after Burned first came out I had to wait for the next...and the next... and the next... and so on. And eventually it got so annoying I was hating the authors (and the books) for my impatience.

Recently after starting again knowing the series is finally completed, I have very much enjoyed the series as a whole. Sure there are a couple of bad books but thats to be expected in a series of 12.

Revealed was a great book, I just finished Neferets Curse before starting this and I thought it lacked much of her life in HoN before she turned truly bad. This book fixed that. With Neferet wounded and hidden away in a den her point of view is a reminiscence of how she became the Tsi Guili (sp) I have to admit her character had a lot of depth in this book and it was fantastic.

Zoey (My most hated character) actually goes a bit....bat shit crazy and it totally works in her favour. Even if her actions were unintentional it shows she too can be overwhelmed by her destiny.

I did miss Stevie Rae chapters, I know her side of the story isn't so important now all the raven mocker issues have simmered but her voice is fun and really lets her character shine. However I didn't feel to disappointed as she was included a lot in Zoey and Aphrodite chapters.

Only thing I quickly got bored of were Kalona and Aurox chapters. They only play minor roles, I don't care for either of them, just get on with it.
(although Aurox drunk was funny.)

Overall this book is probably my second favourite in this series, also love the cover (the dark one, not the colourful one that made me get confused and return the wrong book to the library)

I had started reading redeemed, so far it seems good, unfortunatly due to similar covers (hard backs) i returned it back to the library and kept hold of this book by accident. (Such an asstard) =[ ( )
  Enchanten | Mar 12, 2023 |
This was a tremendously boring read. Lots of hand-wringing and dithering and unnecessary Neferet backstory---seriously, if I wanted to know Neferet's backstory, I would've read...oh, what was that book called?...oh, yeah, Neferet's Curse. And even the scenes with actual heft and purpose were so melodramatic they conjured "Ride of the Valkyries" and cartoon ZOOMing noises rather than serious contemplation and concern.

Sigh. It's been a long road with these characters, and I am so very, very ready for the end of it. ...Assuming I can bring myself to care when the last book arrives. ( )
  slimikin | Mar 27, 2022 |
Why, why, why? Z is on her way to jail, the park is burning with Neferet thinking all kinds of goodies, Kalona is finally allowed to enter Nyx's temple. All is not right with the world and yet again they leave you hanging.... ( )
  Scaulkins | Jan 27, 2022 |
Zoey is not behaving like Zoey, Neferet makes a comeback, the Aurox/Heath thing is stressing out Zoey's relationshiop with Stark. I have to say I'm ready for this story to find a resolution. It feels like the same other stories in this series with different window treatment.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Cast, P. C.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Cast, Kristinprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Drastically altered after her fall, Neferet is now more dangerous than ever--and her quest for vengeance will wreak havoc on humans, as well as Zoey and her friends. Chaos is loosed in Tulsa and the House of Night is blamed. Can Zoey stop Neferet in time to keep her anger from escalating to full-on war? Or will someone else have to step in to take the fall?

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Gemiddelde: (3.57)
0.5 1
1 9
1.5 1
2 11
2.5 4
3 41
3.5 2
4 37
5 40

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