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Free-spirit shawls : 20 eclectic knits for…
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Free-spirit shawls : 20 eclectic knits for every day (editie 2012)

door Lisa Shroyer

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"Free-Spirit Shawls features 20 shawl projects-including top-down triangle, crescent, and semi-circular. While some projects feature the stockinet-plus-lace designs driving the current shawl and shawlette craze, others explore textured stitches, simple color work and stripes, and unusual stitch patterns. Technique features forcus on special skills such as Shetland construction. Lisa also takes care to push designers beyond the current trends, making this book relevant for some years to come. Technical essays on top-down, bottom-up, side to side, crescent, and circular constructions will mix with tutorials on knitting attached edgings, finishing, blocking, and how to best use hand-painted yarns. The style of the book closely aligns with the Knitscene aesthetic, a style that draws largely from indie trends in both fashion and the online knitting community. Yarn choices, colors, and presentation fit seamlessly with what these shawl knitters see on their favorite knitting blogs, on Ravelry, and in the independently-published booklets they purchase. "--"What is actually more popular than knitting socks? Knitting shawls. Learn how to make some of the most popular shawl and wrap patterns of all time"--… (meer)
Titel:Free-spirit shawls : 20 eclectic knits for every day
Auteurs:Lisa Shroyer
Info:Loveland, CO : Interweave Press, [2012]
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Free-Spirit Shawls: 20 Eclectic Knits for Every Day door Lisa Shroyer

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20 Eclectic knits for every day
  jhawn | Jul 31, 2017 |
Indulge yourself in hand-painted and lace yarns. Many shawl projects take only one skein!

What is actually more popular than knitting socks? Knitting shawls! 13 out of 35 of Ravelry's most popular patterns of all time are small shawls or wraps. And who better to curate a collection of these trendy-yet-classic designs than the editor of Knitscene, Lisa Shroyer?

Free Spirit Shawls features 20 shawl projects that are presented along 4 themes: Color (simple colorwork), Lace (the infinite pretty possibilities achieved by simple yarnovers), Simplicity (variegated yarns and simple stitches used to create simple yet striking designs), and Texture (cables and knit-purl combinations). Technique features focus on special areas of expertise such as Shetland construction and the anatomy of semicircular shawls.

With her intimate knowledge of what knitters are hungry to make and wear, Lisa has curated a contemporary collection that will reach far beyond simple trends and will continue to inspire for years to come. ( )
  RochesterKnittingGui | Apr 16, 2016 |
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"Free-Spirit Shawls features 20 shawl projects-including top-down triangle, crescent, and semi-circular. While some projects feature the stockinet-plus-lace designs driving the current shawl and shawlette craze, others explore textured stitches, simple color work and stripes, and unusual stitch patterns. Technique features forcus on special skills such as Shetland construction. Lisa also takes care to push designers beyond the current trends, making this book relevant for some years to come. Technical essays on top-down, bottom-up, side to side, crescent, and circular constructions will mix with tutorials on knitting attached edgings, finishing, blocking, and how to best use hand-painted yarns. The style of the book closely aligns with the Knitscene aesthetic, a style that draws largely from indie trends in both fashion and the online knitting community. Yarn choices, colors, and presentation fit seamlessly with what these shawl knitters see on their favorite knitting blogs, on Ravelry, and in the independently-published booklets they purchase. "--"What is actually more popular than knitting socks? Knitting shawls. Learn how to make some of the most popular shawl and wrap patterns of all time"--

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