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In Bed with the Tudors: The Sex Lives of a…
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In Bed with the Tudors: The Sex Lives of a Dynasty from Elizabeth of York to Elizabeth I (editie 2013)

door Amy Licence (Auteur)

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762362,951 (3.33)Geen
Learn what went on behind closed doors in the Tudor court. Illegitimate children, adulterous queens, impotent kings, and a whole dynasty resting on their shoulders. Sex and childbirth were quite literally a matter of life or death for the Tudors - Elizabeth of York died in childbirth, two of Henry VIII's queens were beheaded for infidelity, and Elizabeth I's elective virginity signalled the demise of a dynasty. Amy Licence guides the reader through the births of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York's two sons, Arthur and Henry, Catherine of Aragon's subsequent marriages to both of these men, Henry VIII's other five wives and his mistresses, and the sex lives of his daughters. This book details the experiences of all these women, from fertility, conception and pregnancy through to the delivery chamber, on to maternal and infant mortality. Each woman's story is a blend of specific personal circumstances, set against their historical moment: for some the joys were brief, for others it was a question that ultimately determined their fates.… (meer)
Titel:In Bed with the Tudors: The Sex Lives of a Dynasty from Elizabeth of York to Elizabeth I
Auteurs:Amy Licence (Auteur)
Info:(2013), 293 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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In Bed with The Tudors: From Elizabeth of York to Elizabeth I door Amy Licence

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Some interesting Tudor Era info. Mostly fluff but I felt she was fair and even handed in her portrayal of Mary I and Elizabeth I ( )
  LoisSusan | Dec 10, 2020 |
In Bed with the Tudors
3 Stars

The premise is very interesting tracing the marriages, sex lives and child birthing years of the Tudor Queens. Unfortunately, the book reads like a Ph.D. Dissertation complete with in-text footnotes/references and repetitive arguments.

The author's claims are all based on speculation, which is understandable given the scarcity of documentation from the period, but this along with one or two glaring factual errors (such as Anne Boleyn being the daughter rather than the granddaughter of the Duke of Norfolk) puts the accuracy of the text in question.

Nevertheless, as a fan of English history in general and the Tudor period in particular, it is worth reading the book for the political shenanigans. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 24, 2018 |
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Learn what went on behind closed doors in the Tudor court. Illegitimate children, adulterous queens, impotent kings, and a whole dynasty resting on their shoulders. Sex and childbirth were quite literally a matter of life or death for the Tudors - Elizabeth of York died in childbirth, two of Henry VIII's queens were beheaded for infidelity, and Elizabeth I's elective virginity signalled the demise of a dynasty. Amy Licence guides the reader through the births of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York's two sons, Arthur and Henry, Catherine of Aragon's subsequent marriages to both of these men, Henry VIII's other five wives and his mistresses, and the sex lives of his daughters. This book details the experiences of all these women, from fertility, conception and pregnancy through to the delivery chamber, on to maternal and infant mortality. Each woman's story is a blend of specific personal circumstances, set against their historical moment: for some the joys were brief, for others it was a question that ultimately determined their fates.

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