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Shadowed (Dark Protectors) door Rebecca…
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Shadowed (Dark Protectors) (editie 2015)

door Rebecca Zanetti

Reeksen: Dark Protectors (6)

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

A sexy vampire and a badass witch must unite to save each other in this USA Today–bestselling paranormal romantic suspense novel.

Danger signs rise off Jase Kayrs like steam—the scars, the secrets, the strength. He's got a mission, and he's not interested in much outside of it. Except Brenna Dunne.
Brenna was an ass-kicking, name-taking witch—before the poison that's killing her sapped her powers too. She knows there's more to Jase than a handsome face and an ugly history. But there's no time to find out what. Taking him as her mate might save her life. But once she unleashes the force of his desire, there will be no turning back...
Ready or not, here they come....

Praise for the Dark Protectors Series
"Hot and fast from beginning to end."—New York Times–bestselling author Kate Douglas on Fated

"Paranormal romance at its best!"—Cynthia Eden

"If you want hot, sexy, dangerous romance...this series is for you."—Paranormal Haven
"Sizzling sex scenes and a memorable cast."—Publishers Weekly on Claimed

.… (meer)
Titel:Shadowed (Dark Protectors)
Auteurs:Rebecca Zanetti
Info:Lyrical (2015), Paperback, 1 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Shadowed door Rebecca Zanetti

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[b:Shadowed|17185682|Shadowed (Dark Protectors, #6)|Rebecca Zanetti||23634830] (Dark Protectors, #6) by [a:Rebecca Zanetti|4149342|Rebecca Zanetti|]
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
4.75 Stars

A truly impressive Adult Paranormal/Suspense Romance.
I feasted on this series!!

The world build, the characters, everything about this series is delicious and addicting.
I can not stress just how much I love this series.

I know my reviews on these are short, but that's because I read them one after the other and couldn't be bothered to stop for anything or anyone. They are just that consuming!

This one I probably should give a solid 5, but there were a few things (although minor) that keep me from doing that.

The 2 mc's for this one is Jase & Brenna.
They will break your heart and make you laugh.
Their beginning is more like a business deal that quickly turns into passion and romance.
I loved both characters. So now I have a new favorite in this series.

The suspense & action is compelling.

Great world build and fantastic characters.

I highly recommend these.
I know I can't get enough and don't want to see this series come to end.
Ever! ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION’s Nocturnal Nymph – Michelle:
*eBook gifted by LITERAL ADDICTION in exchange for an honest review
--Actual Rating 4.5 Skulls

Jase Kayrs is the youngest brother, and was always the most fun loving and carefree out of all of the Kayrs'. That is until the Demons captured him and tortured him for 5 long years. Now he is out of captivity but he is not the fun loving brother that he once was. He wants revenge and he also wants his powers back. Brenna Dunne is his way to get those back and to also save her from the poison that is killing her. Mating is the only way that she can be saved because the doctors say there is nothing else they can do. But will the mating help either of them? And will Jase be able to deal with what happened to him with the Demons?

I love this series so much and I love that there are more members of the Dark Protectors to read about along with keeping up with past books and characters. There is nothing I love more than action with my romance story and Rebecca always has tons. It makes my heart race, keeps me on the edge of my seat and keeps my eyes on my Kindle. This book was hard to put down and I wanted to sneak my Kindle with me where ever I went at work! If you haven't read the Dark Protectors I can't recommend them enough and you should definitely read from the beginning.

I can't wait for the next book because I really want to know more about Lilly, after reading more about her in Shadowed inquiring minds want to know!! ( )
  LITERALADDICTION | Oct 28, 2013 |
Oh how I love it when two of my longtime favorite characters fall for each other! Until the last book, Provoked, I did not foresee Jase and Brenna being a couple. There might have been hints in previous books but I get so caught up in the main couple I tend to not commit little nuances like that to memory sometimes. These two could not have been more made for each other. They both hold an enormous amount of responsibility, some of it self-assigned, some of it a product of the war and their families. Jase is still trying to recover from being help captive by the demons for 5 years. Brenna, on the other hand, is dealing with a sickness that will kill her by her next birthday. Jase's torture and Brenna's illness have rendered them powerless. There's a loophole though. Isn't there always? If they enter into a mating Brenna could be healed and they could both gain their powers back. Everyone wins! Except Brenna, a romantic at heart, does not want to enter into a marriage of convenience.

"I'm damaged, and I'm determined to kill."

Well, the one thing these two have in common is that they have families that would do anything to save them. More than not wanting to marry for anything but love, Brenna does not want to see her family suffer. The mating is advantageous in many ways and Jase and Brenna both realize that. Jase has ulterior motives though. While he wants to save Brenna from certain death, what he wants more is to gain his powers back and take revenge on the demons who held him captive, which is his certain death. Jase and Brenna struggle throughout Shadowed with their feelings for one another. Their mating was supposed to solve their problems not create more with their undeniable passion. As much as they fight believing they can have a future together, Jase and Brenna cannot fight their attraction. And let me tell you, Jase is alpha all over! I find that couples who try to push each other away, tend to have way hotter sex. It's so impulsive, gasping and groping hands. I love it.

"I love you with everything I am, everything I'll ever be, and with every hope I could ever dream."

I had a soft spot for Brenna since she was introduced in the earlier books, she was the eighth daughter of a seventh daughter. She isn't even supposed to exist, and she has always felt like an outcast. But Jase makes her feel like she belongs... with him. So, how is she supposed to let him gain his revenge, when it almost certainly means his death? And Jase... well he made me wonder if I even wanted to finish Shadowed. I was afraid after his trauma, that even Brenna could not keep him from self destructing. Of course I finished it but, Jase about broke my heart in the process. I am going to go out on a limb and say Shadowed was the most action packed out of the Dark Predators series. There are no slow parts, and if you start to gloss over a sentence you miss a huge plot twist. I thought with Jase's story I would feel a sense of calm, but no. Rebecca Zanetti built this story up to a peak, with several different lose ends. It's not necessarily a cliffhanger, but several story arcs are still left unanswered. We get closure for the couple, but not for the group as a whole. I have said this before, and I'm going to say it again... I am SO excited for Janie's story. She played a bigger role in Shadowed than the last couple of books. And I will say this, Ms. Zanetti about caused me heart failure at one point. Shadowed does not necessarily wrap up in nice, pretty bows. After all, it is Jase's story.. he has never been a simple character. I have no doubt that fans of the Dark Predators will love this addition, and that new comers will be intrigued enough by the hype that they will pick up the series at the beginning :)

Happy Reading!
*This ARC was provided by the published in exchange for an honest review* ( )
  EmilyMcGee | Oct 13, 2013 |
So, this is only my second book in this series, but its slowly growing on me. While it can be read as a stand alone it's better to read in order cause while I figured out what was going on I was frustrated because I felt as if I was missing the huge significant virus story going on and I had no idea what a Kurjan was until it was explained later in the book. In no way did that really affect the story between Jaws and Brennan though, they kinda had their own crap storm baring down on them. Good book and storyline ; I'm definitely going to have to read the rest of this series.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. ( )
  amdrane2 | Oct 13, 2013 |
After being seized and tortured by demons for the past five years, vampire Jase Kayrs is broken. Having lost his powers his sole purpose is to seek revenge on his captors.

Witch, Brenna Dunne, is dying. The only thing that could save her is to mate with a vampire. Unbeknown to her, an arrangement has been made between the vampires and her coven for her to mate with Jase Kayrs. A vampire she has once had a crush on.

Rebecca Zanetti did an incredible job with this story. The emotion and trials Jase and Brenna experience is moving. I love both the characters. You feel for what they have undergone and want them to find happiness. Jase and Brenna are perfect for each other.

I also, enjoyed the interaction between Jase and Brenna with their families. Rebecca Zanetti’s character development throughout the Dark Protectors Series makes the novel that much more enjoyable. The reader can understand and relate to the characters.

ARC provided publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  dlynch | Oct 11, 2013 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

A sexy vampire and a badass witch must unite to save each other in this USA Today–bestselling paranormal romantic suspense novel.

Danger signs rise off Jase Kayrs like steam—the scars, the secrets, the strength. He's got a mission, and he's not interested in much outside of it. Except Brenna Dunne.
Brenna was an ass-kicking, name-taking witch—before the poison that's killing her sapped her powers too. She knows there's more to Jase than a handsome face and an ugly history. But there's no time to find out what. Taking him as her mate might save her life. But once she unleashes the force of his desire, there will be no turning back...
Ready or not, here they come....

Praise for the Dark Protectors Series
"Hot and fast from beginning to end."—New York Times–bestselling author Kate Douglas on Fated

"Paranormal romance at its best!"—Cynthia Eden

"If you want hot, sexy, dangerous romance...this series is for you."—Paranormal Haven
"Sizzling sex scenes and a memorable cast."—Publishers Weekly on Claimed


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