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Contains a collection of American and English humor from such outstanding contributors as Woody Allen, Damon Runyon, Trumon Capote, Groucho Marx, Art Buchwald, Roy Blount, Jr., Fran Liebowitz, Philip Roth, and Eudora Welty.
All the best of the old humorists (I love that word, it conveys so much more than comic or comedian) are represented - Mencken, Runyon, Lardner . . . special favorites, Thurber and Buchwald. If you never read any these marvelous funny folk, you have missed some of the best story telling in the world. ( )
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For my family--Florence, Daniel, Noah, Emma, Martha and Jacob
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis.Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Years ago a young lady out of Oklahoma City was sufficiently intrepid to write James Thurber asking him if there were any standard rules for writing humour. The best Thurber could come up with was a list of proscriptions [...]. --Foreword by Mordecai Richler.
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Contains a collection of American and English humor from such outstanding contributors as Woody Allen, Damon Runyon, Trumon Capote, Groucho Marx, Art Buchwald, Roy Blount, Jr., Fran Liebowitz, Philip Roth, and Eudora Welty.