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Archidoodle: The Architect's Activity…
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Archidoodle: The Architect's Activity Book (editie 2013)

door Steve Bowkett (Auteur)

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This innovative book is the first to provide a fun, interactive way to learn about architecture. Filled with an array of beautiful and elegant drawings, it poses all manner of architectural challenges for the user: from designing your own skyscraper to drawing an island house or creating a Constructivist monument, plus many more. Aimed at anyone who loves drawing buildings, it encourages the user to imagine their own creative solutions by sketching, drawing and painting in the pages of the book. In so doing, they will learn about a whole range of significant architectural issues, such as the importance of site and materials, how to furnish a space, how to read plans, how to create sustainable cities and so on. The book also includes numerous examples of works and ideas by major architects to draw inspiration from and will appeal to everyone from children to students and professional architects.… (meer)
Titel:Archidoodle: The Architect's Activity Book
Auteurs:Steve Bowkett (Auteur)
Info:Laurence King Publishing (2013), Edition: Illustrated, 160 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Archidoodle: The Architect's Activity Book door Steve Bowkett

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This innovative book is the first to provide a fun, interactive way to learn about architecture. Filled with an array of beautiful and elegant drawings, it poses all manner of architectural challenges for the user: from designing your own skyscraper to drawing an island house or creating a Constructivist monument, plus many more. Aimed at anyone who loves drawing buildings, it encourages the user to imagine their own creative solutions by sketching, drawing and painting in the pages of the book. In so doing, they will learn about a whole range of significant architectural issues, such as the importance of site and materials, how to furnish a space, how to read plans, how to create sustainable cities and so on. The book also includes numerous examples of works and ideas by major architects to draw inspiration from and will appeal to everyone from children to students and professional architects.

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