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Living and Sustaining a Creative Life:…
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Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists (editie 2013)

door Sharon Louden (Redacteur)

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712386,145 (3.88)Geen
"In this day and age, when art has become more of a commodity and art school graduates are convinced that they can only make a living from their work by attaining gallery representation, it is more important than ever to show the reality of how a professional, contemporary artist sustains a creative practice over time. The forty essays collected in 'Living and Sustaining a Creative Life' are written in the artists' own voices and take the form of narratives, statements, and interviews. Each story is different and unique, but the common thread is an ongoing commitment to creativity, inside and outside the studio. Both day-to-day and big picture details are revealed, showing how it is possible to sustain a creative practice that contributes to the ongoing dialogue in contemporary art. These stories will inform and inspire any student, young artist, and art enthusiast and will help redefine what "success" means to a professional artist."--Publisher's description.… (meer)
Titel:Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists
Auteurs:Sharon Louden (Redacteur)
Info:Intellect Ltd (2013), Edition: First edition, 224 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists door Sharon Louden

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A good overview from successful artists on the creative journey. No quick fix, one-size-fits-all, solution to balancing finances, a day job, a family, and the pressing need for more time, but a thorough sharing between artists who have discovered what works for them. ( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
This compilation provides readers with a look at the wide range of backgrounds and career paths that one can take when pursuing a creative life. Individual essays from practicing artists provide insight into social, economic, and professional practices that can be used to maintain an active artistic practice. Refreshingly candid, many of the essays delve into the economic and social challenges of being an artist. Common themes emerge from the essays, allowing even readers with no arts background to gain a better understanding of the realities of working in the arts. Recommended for readers of all ages with an interest in working in the arts, or in reading about the lives of those in the industry. ( )
  Amber_Welch | Aug 3, 2015 |
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"In this day and age, when art has become more of a commodity and art school graduates are convinced that they can only make a living from their work by attaining gallery representation, it is more important than ever to show the reality of how a professional, contemporary artist sustains a creative practice over time. The forty essays collected in 'Living and Sustaining a Creative Life' are written in the artists' own voices and take the form of narratives, statements, and interviews. Each story is different and unique, but the common thread is an ongoing commitment to creativity, inside and outside the studio. Both day-to-day and big picture details are revealed, showing how it is possible to sustain a creative practice that contributes to the ongoing dialogue in contemporary art. These stories will inform and inspire any student, young artist, and art enthusiast and will help redefine what "success" means to a professional artist."--Publisher's description.

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