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The Beauty and Glory of the Father

door Joel R. Beeke

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62Geen436,521 (4.5)Geen
The essays in The Beauty and Glory of the Father call us to stand in wonder of the First Person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies, readers are challenged to recognize the Father's glory displayed in His Son, to adore His beautiful attributes, to know Him as a Savior, and to rest in His loving hands. This book, along with The Beauty and Glory of Christ and The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit, reinforces the ongoing necessity of cultivating a Trinitarian piety. Contributors include Joel Beeke, Bart Elshout, Jerry Bilkes, Ryan McGraw, David Murray, Burk Parsons, Paul Smalley, Derek Thomas, and William VanDoodewaard. Table of Contents: Part 1: Seeing the Father's Glory in His Only Begotten Son 1. The Father's Love for His Son (John 3:35) -- Bart Elshout 2. Father and Son in the Exodus (Hos. 11:1, etc.) -- Jerry Bilkes Part 2: Adoring the Beautiful Attributes of the Father 3. The Holiness of the Father in the Old Testament (Isa. 6) -- Derek Thomas 4. The Father's Mercy (1 Peter 1:3-5) --William VanDoodewaard 5. Richard Sibbes on the Mercy and Faithfulness of the Father (2 Cor. 1:3, 18) -- Paul Smalley Part 3: Knowing God the Father as Savior 6. Seeing the Father in the Face of Jesus (John 14:9) -- Derek Thomas 7. The Apostle John and the Puritans on the Father's Adopting, Transforming Love (1 John 3) -- Joel Beeke Part 4: Resting in the Father's Loving Hands 8. Your Father in Heaven (Matt. 5-7) -- William VanDoodewaard 9. Counseling and the Fatherhood of God -- David Murray 10. The Father's Beautiful Hand of Blessed Chastisement (Heb. 12:4-13) -- Burk Parsons Conclusion 11. The Need for a Trinitarian Piety (Eph. 2:18) -- Ryan McGraw… (meer)
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The essays in The Beauty and Glory of the Father call us to stand in wonder of the First Person of the Trinity. Through an assortment of studies, readers are challenged to recognize the Father's glory displayed in His Son, to adore His beautiful attributes, to know Him as a Savior, and to rest in His loving hands. This book, along with The Beauty and Glory of Christ and The Beauty and Glory of the Holy Spirit, reinforces the ongoing necessity of cultivating a Trinitarian piety. Contributors include Joel Beeke, Bart Elshout, Jerry Bilkes, Ryan McGraw, David Murray, Burk Parsons, Paul Smalley, Derek Thomas, and William VanDoodewaard. Table of Contents: Part 1: Seeing the Father's Glory in His Only Begotten Son 1. The Father's Love for His Son (John 3:35) -- Bart Elshout 2. Father and Son in the Exodus (Hos. 11:1, etc.) -- Jerry Bilkes Part 2: Adoring the Beautiful Attributes of the Father 3. The Holiness of the Father in the Old Testament (Isa. 6) -- Derek Thomas 4. The Father's Mercy (1 Peter 1:3-5) --William VanDoodewaard 5. Richard Sibbes on the Mercy and Faithfulness of the Father (2 Cor. 1:3, 18) -- Paul Smalley Part 3: Knowing God the Father as Savior 6. Seeing the Father in the Face of Jesus (John 14:9) -- Derek Thomas 7. The Apostle John and the Puritans on the Father's Adopting, Transforming Love (1 John 3) -- Joel Beeke Part 4: Resting in the Father's Loving Hands 8. Your Father in Heaven (Matt. 5-7) -- William VanDoodewaard 9. Counseling and the Fatherhood of God -- David Murray 10. The Father's Beautiful Hand of Blessed Chastisement (Heb. 12:4-13) -- Burk Parsons Conclusion 11. The Need for a Trinitarian Piety (Eph. 2:18) -- Ryan McGraw

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