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~BOOK 5 IN THE FROST CHRONICLES~ Safety is never certain... Every family has secrets... Even your own can turn against you. Lia Weaver and her ragtag band of fugitives and renegades have finally driven the Farther soldiers from the Frost, but turmoil continues in the wake of the occupation. Lia uncovers a letter that hints at yet another family secret, one that will change everything she's ever known. Ann Mayor and her father have found themselves the target of violence for their fraternization with the Farthers. The villagers are fighting amongst themselves, making accusations and threats. Meanwhile, Jonn's life hangs in the balance. When an unexpected enemy surfaces in the Frost and endangers Ivy's life, Lia faces a terrible choice. Defying Thorns orders, she sets out to to save her family and find answers in Aeralis.… (meer)
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~BOOK 5 IN THE FROST CHRONICLES~ Safety is never certain... Every family has secrets... Even your own can turn against you. Lia Weaver and her ragtag band of fugitives and renegades have finally driven the Farther soldiers from the Frost, but turmoil continues in the wake of the occupation. Lia uncovers a letter that hints at yet another family secret, one that will change everything she's ever known. Ann Mayor and her father have found themselves the target of violence for their fraternization with the Farthers. The villagers are fighting amongst themselves, making accusations and threats. Meanwhile, Jonn's life hangs in the balance. When an unexpected enemy surfaces in the Frost and endangers Ivy's life, Lia faces a terrible choice. Defying Thorns orders, she sets out to to save her family and find answers in Aeralis.

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