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Penguin in Love door Salina Yoon
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Penguin in Love (origineel 2013; editie 2014)

door Salina Yoon (Auteur)

Reeksen: Penguin (Yoon) (3)

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2404116,098 (3.57)6
One day, Penguin goes looking for love and finds, instead, a mitten but as he tries to locate the mitten's owner, he knits his way through a blizzard to an unexpected meeting.
Titel:Penguin in Love
Auteurs:Salina Yoon (Auteur)
Info:Bloomsbury USA Childrens (2014), Edition: Brdbk, 34 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen, Verlanglijst, Te lezen, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit, Favorieten

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Penguin in Love door Salina Yoon (2013)

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This little penguin is too cute!! I picked this one up while planning a penguin themed storytime and I loved it! ( )
  mmalyn | Feb 24, 2018 |
The big picture in Penguin in Love is through time and friendship one can find their true love. I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons and thought it was super cute. The first reason I liked this book was even though the characters are penguins the characters are believable and well developed. For example, when Penguin asks his Grandpa if he was missing his hat he said "No, Penguin. I like to wear hats." The author gives the penguins very human-like behaviors and traits. Secondly, the illustrations enhance the story and help the reader follow the penguin on his journey to find the owner of the mitten. An example of this is when Penguin meets Emily, Isabelle, and Oliver. He meets these other penguins all on the same page, however the illustrator shows small pictures of each of his interactions to see who he's meeting and what they look like. Finally, the plot has a clear problem and solution which is easy to follow and interesting. The penguin find a mitten (the problem) and goes around looking for the owner throughout the plot he meets other penguins and eventually goes on a journey to find his yarn and meets Bootsy- the love of his life. The plot keeps the reader in tune to what's happening and keeps you wondering what will happen next. ( )
  baileywysong | Nov 1, 2016 |
Gosh, what can I say that I haven't been saying about so many picture books lately?  Cute enough, but nothing special.  Sentimental, yes, not sure I can imagine a kid enjoying it unless she's into mushy stuff.  No drama, no intentional humor (unless you want to giggle at all the ways a mitten-shaped bit of knitting can be used).  Aimed at adults - you know, the ones with the money.... ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
Love and knitting among the ice. ( )
  Sullywriter | May 22, 2015 |
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For Umma, whose love knows no bounds
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One day, Penguin was looking for love.
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One day, Penguin goes looking for love and finds, instead, a mitten but as he tries to locate the mitten's owner, he knits his way through a blizzard to an unexpected meeting.

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3.5 2
4 7
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