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Getting Results From Crowds: Second Edition: The definitive guide to using crowdsourcing to grow your business

door Ross Dawson

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Build your business by tapping one of the most powerful trends in business today: Crowdsourcing. Getting Results From Crowds provides practical, pragmatic, clear guidance on how you can draw on the power of crowds to grow your business. Filled with real-life case studies and useful examples, it gives you everything you need to know to create success in a world where talent can be anywhere. WHAT BUSINESS LEADERS ARE SAYING "Ross Dawson and Steve Bynghall have masterfully delivered a comprehensive and strategically pragmatic guide to crowdsourcing. Each chapter elegantly lays out a key concept and then provides practical advice. This is the must read bible for effective crowdsourcing." - R "Ray" Wang, Principal Analyst & CEO, Constellation Research "This is the smartest, most practical overview of crowdsourcing I've seen (and I think I've seen them all). It will be particularly valuable in helping larger and more established companies to adopt crowdsourcing." - Lukas Biewald, CEO, CrowdFlower "A must-read for anyone looking to easily and cost-effectively leverage skills from around the world." - Davy Adams, Managing Director, IDG Australia "Ross's latest book is a fantastic guide for businesses looking to access skills and drive innovation through crowdsourcing. I highly recommend it." - Peter Williams, CEO, Deloitte Digital "Ross Dawson, the "crowd king", provides with Getting Results from Crowds a comprehensive and up to date review of how to make crowds work for you " - Matt Barrie, CEO, "To make the most of the different crowdsourcing options available for your business grab a copy of 'Getting Results from Crowds' - it will pay for itself many times over " - Mark Harbottle, Founder, "Ross Dawson has demystified crowdsourcing, and more importantly given us the best road map I've seen to think through recent experience and show you where it fits in your organisation's repertoire. He shows you how to make it work for you." - Nicholas Gruen, CEO, Lateral Economics and Peach Financial, and Chairman, Australian Government 2.0 Taskforce… (meer)
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Build your business by tapping one of the most powerful trends in business today: Crowdsourcing. Getting Results From Crowds provides practical, pragmatic, clear guidance on how you can draw on the power of crowds to grow your business. Filled with real-life case studies and useful examples, it gives you everything you need to know to create success in a world where talent can be anywhere. WHAT BUSINESS LEADERS ARE SAYING "Ross Dawson and Steve Bynghall have masterfully delivered a comprehensive and strategically pragmatic guide to crowdsourcing. Each chapter elegantly lays out a key concept and then provides practical advice. This is the must read bible for effective crowdsourcing." - R "Ray" Wang, Principal Analyst & CEO, Constellation Research "This is the smartest, most practical overview of crowdsourcing I've seen (and I think I've seen them all). It will be particularly valuable in helping larger and more established companies to adopt crowdsourcing." - Lukas Biewald, CEO, CrowdFlower "A must-read for anyone looking to easily and cost-effectively leverage skills from around the world." - Davy Adams, Managing Director, IDG Australia "Ross's latest book is a fantastic guide for businesses looking to access skills and drive innovation through crowdsourcing. I highly recommend it." - Peter Williams, CEO, Deloitte Digital "Ross Dawson, the "crowd king", provides with Getting Results from Crowds a comprehensive and up to date review of how to make crowds work for you " - Matt Barrie, CEO, "To make the most of the different crowdsourcing options available for your business grab a copy of 'Getting Results from Crowds' - it will pay for itself many times over " - Mark Harbottle, Founder, "Ross Dawson has demystified crowdsourcing, and more importantly given us the best road map I've seen to think through recent experience and show you where it fits in your organisation's repertoire. He shows you how to make it work for you." - Nicholas Gruen, CEO, Lateral Economics and Peach Financial, and Chairman, Australian Government 2.0 Taskforce

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