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Finding The Light Within: A Spiritual Guide to True Peace, Happiness, Freedom and Enlightenment

door Robert Hammond

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Have you seen the Light?Who is the one that does the seeing?How can you find that which is within you and all around you?What is the sound of one hand slapping your face before your grandfather was born in the forest with nobody around to hear it?Finding the Light Within: A Spiritual Guide to True Peace, Happiness, Freedom, and Enlightenment offers:- How to transform your life in as little as 5 minutes a day- The three keys to personal transformation and enlightenment- A new way of looking at the world that will change your life forever- Simple and practical ways to overcome problems and negative situations- Inspiration and hope that you will want to share with your friends and loved ones- Previously banned transformational writings from little-known 17th century mystics: George Fox, Stephen Crisp, Madame Jeanne Guyon, Francois Fenelon, and Miguel de Molinos.A word of caution: you may have some of your preconceptions destroyed and your perception of reality permanently altered. What you are about to read may open your mind and heart to a completely new way of seeing things. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened. Robert Hammond is an award-winning screenwriter, producer and bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including The Light, a transformational novel about spiritual enlightenment and second chances. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Screenwriting, teaches creative writing at several universities, and is a highly sought-after speaker, consultant, and talk show guest. New Way Press is an independent publisher of inspirational, educational, and transformational books that change lives.… (meer)
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Have you seen the Light?Who is the one that does the seeing?How can you find that which is within you and all around you?What is the sound of one hand slapping your face before your grandfather was born in the forest with nobody around to hear it?Finding the Light Within: A Spiritual Guide to True Peace, Happiness, Freedom, and Enlightenment offers:- How to transform your life in as little as 5 minutes a day- The three keys to personal transformation and enlightenment- A new way of looking at the world that will change your life forever- Simple and practical ways to overcome problems and negative situations- Inspiration and hope that you will want to share with your friends and loved ones- Previously banned transformational writings from little-known 17th century mystics: George Fox, Stephen Crisp, Madame Jeanne Guyon, Francois Fenelon, and Miguel de Molinos.A word of caution: you may have some of your preconceptions destroyed and your perception of reality permanently altered. What you are about to read may open your mind and heart to a completely new way of seeing things. May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened. Robert Hammond is an award-winning screenwriter, producer and bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including The Light, a transformational novel about spiritual enlightenment and second chances. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Screenwriting, teaches creative writing at several universities, and is a highly sought-after speaker, consultant, and talk show guest. New Way Press is an independent publisher of inspirational, educational, and transformational books that change lives.

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