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The Groom's Gamble

door Jade Lee

Reeksen: Bridal Favors (book 3.5)

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26Geen916,929 (3.25)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:From USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee comes an original Regency novella that serves as a prequel to What the Groom Wants.

Caroline Lyncott, great granddaughter of the Duke of Bucklynde, has a secret. Years ago she was attacked and still bears the terrible scars. To escape the scandal and the reminders, she left everything behind to become housekeeper to a Scottish brother and sister.

Gregory Murray, the Earl Of Hartfell, has a secret as well—he harbors a deep attraction to his housekeeper, Mrs. Lyncott. He knows she has a past, but doesn't know how to fix the pain that still haunts her. His investigation leads him to the darkest London gaming hell and a villain too powerful to destroy.
Can his love overcome her desperate past? Can she risk her heart despite the evil that still haunts her nightmares?
Praise for What the Groom Wants:
"Lee spins an intriguing tale..." —RT Book Reviews
Strong, vibrant characters and a compelling plot that doesn't ignore the grittier aspects of Jane Austen's world will keep readers engaged... —Booklist
"This sexy saga will hold your interest no matter how many Regency romances you've read." —Fresh Fiction.
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Bridal Favors (book 3.5)
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:From USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee comes an original Regency novella that serves as a prequel to What the Groom Wants.

Caroline Lyncott, great granddaughter of the Duke of Bucklynde, has a secret. Years ago she was attacked and still bears the terrible scars. To escape the scandal and the reminders, she left everything behind to become housekeeper to a Scottish brother and sister.

Gregory Murray, the Earl Of Hartfell, has a secret as well—he harbors a deep attraction to his housekeeper, Mrs. Lyncott. He knows she has a past, but doesn't know how to fix the pain that still haunts her. His investigation leads him to the darkest London gaming hell and a villain too powerful to destroy.
Can his love overcome her desperate past? Can she risk her heart despite the evil that still haunts her nightmares?
Praise for What the Groom Wants:
"Lee spins an intriguing tale..." —RT Book Reviews
Strong, vibrant characters and a compelling plot that doesn't ignore the grittier aspects of Jane Austen's world will keep readers engaged... —Booklist
"This sexy saga will hold your interest no matter how many Regency romances you've read." —Fresh Fiction.

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