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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of…
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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph (editie 2014)

door Ryan Holiday (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,6583711,045 (3.96)2
Business. Philosophy. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller
The Obstacle is the Way
has become a cult classic, beloved by men and women around the world who apply its wisdom to become more successful at whatever they do.

Its many fans include a former governor and movie star (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a hip hop icon (LL Cool J), an Irish tennis pro (James McGee), an NBC sportscaster (Michele Tafoya), and the coaches and players of winning teams like the New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, Chicago Cubs, and University of Texas men’s basketball team.
The book draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, tougher. As Marcus Aurelius put it nearly 2000 years ago: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” 
Ryan Holiday shows us how some of the most successful people in history—from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs—have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their embrace of these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck.
If you’re feeling frustrated, demoralized, or stuck in a rut, this book can help you turn your problems into your biggest advantages. And along the way it will inspire you with dozens of true stories of the greats from every age and era.
… (meer)
Titel:The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph
Auteurs:Ryan Holiday (Auteur)
Info:Portfolio (2014), Edition: 1, 224 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:self improvement

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The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph door Ryan Holiday

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Engels (36)  Duits (1)  Alle talen (37)
1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
"Despair, that's on you." - "Why would you be your own worst enemy?"

I really liked this book, but I'm struggling with how to review it.

The overarching theme seems to be "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Personally, I hate this saying. It feels dismissive, it's telling someone who's sad to "just be happy."

However, I do appreciate the underlying messages about resilience and picking yourself back up after a fall. It's just the way these messages are delivered that I didn't quite connect with.

Overall, I give it 2 stars for its delivery, but I'm keeping it at 4 stars because I found the messages themselves valuable. ( )
  selsha | May 2, 2024 |
Not much in the way of new insight, but a useful reminder to stay positive, and to see obstacles as opportunities. ( )
  rscottm182gmailcom | Mar 12, 2024 |
Rajani shpalos filozofinë jashtë auditorëve akademikë, duke e përçuar aty ku e ka vendin e vërtetë: në jetën tonë të përditshme. Ai ndihmon çdokënd për të trajtuar problemet me gjakftohtësi dhe kthjelltësi. Duke qenë manual për jetën, do t’i shfletoni faqet e këtij libri herë pas here dhe do të mësoni se si të kapërceni çdo pengesë dhe të zgjidhni çdo konflikt. Leximi i këtij libri është i domosdoshëm.”
  BibliotekaFeniks | Nov 28, 2023 |
Interessantes Buch. Der Autor bemüht sich, viele Anekdoten und Geschichten einzustreuen, um seine Inhalte zu erläutern und zu illustrieren. Dahinter steckt sicher viel Arbeit, die unbedingt gewürdigt werden sollte. Es ist allerdings kein klassisches Buch über "den" Stoizismus, auch keine Einführung in die Philosophie. Holiday greift sich einen Teil der stoischen Lehren heraus, um seine zentrale Botschaft zu transportieren. Eine Kritik, die auch in anderen Rezensionen auftaucht, kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen: dem Buch fehlen häufig konkrete Anleitungen und Übungen, wie man die jeweils dargestellten Lehren und Ideen in der alltäglichen Praxis umsetzen kann. In dieser Hinsicht sind tatsächlich andere Bücher besser. Die Ermunterung, Probleme, Hindernisse und Krisen als Chance zu sehen, bleibt aber das Verdienst von Ryan Holiday und seinem Buch! ( )
  queckbob | Oct 15, 2023 |
There was some good information in the book; however, it was superficial. Add to that, the would 'embellish' some of the stories to make them seem even more fantastic. The problem with doing this is that it calls the entire book into question. I found, towards the end, that I was doubting whether any of the stories were true. ( )
  Gravewriter | Jul 22, 2023 |
1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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If your nerve holds, then nothing really did “happen”—our perception made sure it was nothing of consequence.
Subconsciously,we should be constantly asking ourselves this question:Do I need to freak out about this?
And the answer—like it is for astronauts, for soldiers, for doctors, and for so many other professionals—must be: No, because I practiced for this situation and I can control myself. Or, No, because I caught myself and I'm able to realize that that doesn't add anything constructive.
Because all we need to do is those three little duties—to try hard, to be honest, and to help others and ourselves. That's all that's been asked of us. No more and no less.
You don't convince people by challenging their longest, and most firmly held opinions. You find common ground and work from there. Or you look for leverage to make them listen. Or you create an alternative with so much support from other people that the opposition voluntarily abandons its views and joins your camp.
…it's unlikely that anyone is going to make an armed run at our throne anytime soon.
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Business. Philosophy. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller
The Obstacle is the Way
has become a cult classic, beloved by men and women around the world who apply its wisdom to become more successful at whatever they do.

Its many fans include a former governor and movie star (Arnold Schwarzenegger), a hip hop icon (LL Cool J), an Irish tennis pro (James McGee), an NBC sportscaster (Michele Tafoya), and the coaches and players of winning teams like the New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, Chicago Cubs, and University of Texas men’s basketball team.
The book draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, tougher. As Marcus Aurelius put it nearly 2000 years ago: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” 
Ryan Holiday shows us how some of the most successful people in history—from John D. Rockefeller to Amelia Earhart to Ulysses S. Grant to Steve Jobs—have applied stoicism to overcome difficult or even impossible situations. Their embrace of these principles ultimately mattered more than their natural intelligence, talents, or luck.
If you’re feeling frustrated, demoralized, or stuck in a rut, this book can help you turn your problems into your biggest advantages. And along the way it will inspire you with dozens of true stories of the greats from every age and era.

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Gemiddelde: (3.96)
1 5
1.5 1
2 23
2.5 1
3 44
3.5 11
4 101
4.5 7
5 99

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