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The Chemical Formulary, Volume 15

door H. Bennett

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There is hardly any technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. It does not duplicate any of the formulas included in previous volumes, but lists a wide array of modern and salable products from all branches of the chemical industries. An excellent reference for formulation problems. - CONTENTS - 1. Introduction - 2. Adhesives - 3. Cement and Related Products - 4. Coatings - 5. Cosmetics and Drugs - 6. Detergents - 7. Emulsions - 8. Farm and Garden Formulations - 9. Foods and Beverages - 10. Inks - 11. Leather - 12. Lubricants - 13. Metals - 14. Paper - 15. Polish - 16. Pyrotechnic - 17. Rubber, Plastics, Waxes - 18. Textile Specialties - 19. Miscellaneous - Appendix - Tables - Federal Laws Regulating Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics - Trademark Chemicals-Where to Buy Them - Chemicals (Trademark) - List of Suppliers - Index - PREFACE - Chemistry, as taught in our schools and colleges, concerns chiefly synthesis, analysis, and engineering-and properly so. It is part of the right foundation for the education of the chemist. Many a chemist entering an Industry soon finds that most of the products manufactured by his concern are not synthetic or definite complex compounds, but are mixtures, blends, or highly complex compounds of which he knows little or nothing. The literature in this field, if any, may be meager, scattered, or obsolete. Even chemists with years of experience In one or more Industries spend conslderable time and effort in acquainting themselves with any new field which they may enter. Consulting chemists similarly have to solve problems brought to them from industries foreign to them. There was a definite need for an up-to-date compilation of formulae for chemical compounding and treatment. Since the fields to be covered are many and varied, an editorial board of chemists and engineers engaged in many industries was formed. Many publications, laboratories, manufacturing firms, and Individuals have been consulted to obtain the latest and best information. It is felt that the formulas given in this volume will save chemists and allied workers much time and effort.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorMarc98, TKnapp
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There is hardly any technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. It does not duplicate any of the formulas included in previous volumes, but lists a wide array of modern and salable products from all branches of the chemical industries. An excellent reference for formulation problems. - CONTENTS - 1. Introduction - 2. Adhesives - 3. Cement and Related Products - 4. Coatings - 5. Cosmetics and Drugs - 6. Detergents - 7. Emulsions - 8. Farm and Garden Formulations - 9. Foods and Beverages - 10. Inks - 11. Leather - 12. Lubricants - 13. Metals - 14. Paper - 15. Polish - 16. Pyrotechnic - 17. Rubber, Plastics, Waxes - 18. Textile Specialties - 19. Miscellaneous - Appendix - Tables - Federal Laws Regulating Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics - Trademark Chemicals-Where to Buy Them - Chemicals (Trademark) - List of Suppliers - Index - PREFACE - Chemistry, as taught in our schools and colleges, concerns chiefly synthesis, analysis, and engineering-and properly so. It is part of the right foundation for the education of the chemist. Many a chemist entering an Industry soon finds that most of the products manufactured by his concern are not synthetic or definite complex compounds, but are mixtures, blends, or highly complex compounds of which he knows little or nothing. The literature in this field, if any, may be meager, scattered, or obsolete. Even chemists with years of experience In one or more Industries spend conslderable time and effort in acquainting themselves with any new field which they may enter. Consulting chemists similarly have to solve problems brought to them from industries foreign to them. There was a definite need for an up-to-date compilation of formulae for chemical compounding and treatment. Since the fields to be covered are many and varied, an editorial board of chemists and engineers engaged in many industries was formed. Many publications, laboratories, manufacturing firms, and Individuals have been consulted to obtain the latest and best information. It is felt that the formulas given in this volume will save chemists and allied workers much time and effort.

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