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True Ghost Stories and Eerie Legends from America's Most Haunted Neighborhood

door David Domine

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The most haunted neighborhood in America? That's what many are calling Old Louisville, an extensive preservation district with hundreds of old mansions and beautiful homes in Kentucky's largest city. Wherever you go in this eye-popping neighborhood, it seems that a haunted house is not far away. Or a haunted church, a haunted street corner, or a haunted park. Over the last decade, so many stories of paranormal activity have surfaced that Old Louisville has gained the reputation as being one of the spookiest locations in the country. David Dominé discovered this for himself after purchasing an old home on Old Louisville's famed Millionaires Row in 1999. A self-proclaimed skeptic, the food writer dismissed rumors of a mischievous resident poltergeist named Lucy when he moved in, but he quickly found himself at a loss to explain the disembodied footsteps and mysterious odors that seemed to plague the old house. Soon, he was talking to neighbors and fellow homeowners, and it seemed that everyone had stories of strange events and supernatural occurrences in their own dwellings. As a result, David set out to document and research these reports and began writing about the neighborhood; in the process he uncovered a wealth of fascinating history and ghostly tales that convinced him this historic neighborhood is like no other in the country. If you liked David Dominé's Ghosts of Old Louisville series, you'll love True Ghost Stories and Eerie Legends from America's Most Haunted Neighborhood. Edited and updated, this collection brings together the most popular and chilling tales from his previous books about one of the most fascinating neighborhoods in the country.… (meer)
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The most haunted neighborhood in America? That's what many are calling Old Louisville, an extensive preservation district with hundreds of old mansions and beautiful homes in Kentucky's largest city. Wherever you go in this eye-popping neighborhood, it seems that a haunted house is not far away. Or a haunted church, a haunted street corner, or a haunted park. Over the last decade, so many stories of paranormal activity have surfaced that Old Louisville has gained the reputation as being one of the spookiest locations in the country. David Dominé discovered this for himself after purchasing an old home on Old Louisville's famed Millionaires Row in 1999. A self-proclaimed skeptic, the food writer dismissed rumors of a mischievous resident poltergeist named Lucy when he moved in, but he quickly found himself at a loss to explain the disembodied footsteps and mysterious odors that seemed to plague the old house. Soon, he was talking to neighbors and fellow homeowners, and it seemed that everyone had stories of strange events and supernatural occurrences in their own dwellings. As a result, David set out to document and research these reports and began writing about the neighborhood; in the process he uncovered a wealth of fascinating history and ghostly tales that convinced him this historic neighborhood is like no other in the country. If you liked David Dominé's Ghosts of Old Louisville series, you'll love True Ghost Stories and Eerie Legends from America's Most Haunted Neighborhood. Edited and updated, this collection brings together the most popular and chilling tales from his previous books about one of the most fascinating neighborhoods in the country.

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