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The Witch with No Name (Hollows, 13) door…
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The Witch with No Name (Hollows, 13) (editie 2015)

door Kim Harrison (Auteur)

Reeksen: The Hollows (13)

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1,0434920,575 (4.29)10
"Rachel Morgan's come a long way from the clutzy runner of Dead Witch Walking. She's faced vampires and werewolves, banshees, witchs, and soul-eating demons. She's crossed worlds, channeled gods, and accepted her place as a day-walking demon. She's lost friends and lovers and family, and an old enemy has become something much more. But power demands responsibility, and world-changers must always pay a price. That time is now. To save Ivy's soul and the rest of the living vampires, to keep the demonic ever after and our own world from destruction, Rachel Morgan will risk everything"--… (meer)
Titel:The Witch with No Name (Hollows, 13)
Auteurs:Kim Harrison (Auteur)
Info:Harper Voyager (2015), Edition: Reprint, 544 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

The Witch With No Name door Kim Harrison

Onlangs toegevoegd doorbesloten bibliotheek, amymagnet70, CJForrest, diz1214, Jennay_Opal, CheriGroves, hiddenginger214, TrixieRose, jkoput, CadixD
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I really just didn't feel like reading this but it was the last in the series so I figured fine, what the hell.. It was very difficult to get through. ( )
  sraedi | Feb 2, 2024 |
Wow. I have followed this series from the beginning, and can't believe that it is over. I have come to know and love all of the characters (well, not love ALL the characters). Al and Trent, Rachel, Ivy, Jenks, Newt, and many, many more.

What a fitting ending to a great series! ( )
  LinBee83 | Aug 23, 2023 |
The Witch With No Name
4 Stars

In this last installment (there are rumors that Harrison has more in store for us), Rachel is forced by Rim Cormell to find a cure for the undead vampires' destiny of madness and self-destruction. Unfortunately, the solution might just end up destroying the entire world and everyone that Rachel holds dear.

It's been a bumpy ride and there were moments when I almost called it quits, but when all is said and done, Rachel and company have provided me with hours upon hours of enjoyable storytelling. Thank to Marguerite Gavin for her fabulous narration; she really made the characters and events come to life.

As with most of the other books in the series, there is a lot going on in The Witch With No Name, but Harrison provides closure to all of the remaining plot lines, and the epilogue is sweet and heartwarming.

A final note to my friends procrastinating with continuing the series from whichever point they are at - it is well worth giving it another go!
( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
The end of a series. ( )
  Ivy_Skye | Apr 5, 2023 |
Excellent series from start to finish! Would recommend to anyone. ( )
  Brian-B | Nov 30, 2022 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

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Kim Harrisonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Rostant, LarryArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Thornton, KateAuthor photoSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

"Rachel Morgan's come a long way from the clutzy runner of Dead Witch Walking. She's faced vampires and werewolves, banshees, witchs, and soul-eating demons. She's crossed worlds, channeled gods, and accepted her place as a day-walking demon. She's lost friends and lovers and family, and an old enemy has become something much more. But power demands responsibility, and world-changers must always pay a price. That time is now. To save Ivy's soul and the rest of the living vampires, to keep the demonic ever after and our own world from destruction, Rachel Morgan will risk everything"--

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Gemiddelde: (4.29)
1 4
2 3
2.5 1
3 36
3.5 6
4 104
4.5 12
5 142

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