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31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife

door Arlene Pellicane

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17Geen1,280,308 (3.5)Geen
You don't have to be married very long to discover that your husband will not live up to all your expectations. And even if he is Mr. Wonderful, he will still do things that disappoint you...and even make you unhappy. But being a happy wife has more to do with choice than circumstance. It begins with your personal decision to choose happiness. And it's characterized by a thread of thanksgiving that runs through your life, bringing with it contentment and cheerfulness. In 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife, Arlene Pellicane explores five character traits you can choose to develop in your journey toward happiness. Organized into 31 daily readings, her biblically based insights will show you the way to become Hopeful--believe that a happy marriage is within your reach Adaptable--learn to be open to change Positive--choose to be more optimistic Purposeful--discover a new vision for your role as a wife Yielded--experience joy as you submit to God's plan Commit yourself to this month-long quest to becoming a happy wife and discover newfound joy for yourself and for your husband. The book includes a "Happy Wives Club Discussion Guide," filled with thought-provoking questions for each daily reading that will enhance your personal or group study.… (meer)
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You don't have to be married very long to discover that your husband will not live up to all your expectations. And even if he is Mr. Wonderful, he will still do things that disappoint you...and even make you unhappy. But being a happy wife has more to do with choice than circumstance. It begins with your personal decision to choose happiness. And it's characterized by a thread of thanksgiving that runs through your life, bringing with it contentment and cheerfulness. In 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife, Arlene Pellicane explores five character traits you can choose to develop in your journey toward happiness. Organized into 31 daily readings, her biblically based insights will show you the way to become Hopeful--believe that a happy marriage is within your reach Adaptable--learn to be open to change Positive--choose to be more optimistic Purposeful--discover a new vision for your role as a wife Yielded--experience joy as you submit to God's plan Commit yourself to this month-long quest to becoming a happy wife and discover newfound joy for yourself and for your husband. The book includes a "Happy Wives Club Discussion Guide," filled with thought-provoking questions for each daily reading that will enhance your personal or group study.

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