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Making gay okay : how rationalizing…
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Making gay okay : how rationalizing homosexual behavior is changing everything (editie 2014)

door Robert R. Reilly

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1432197,814 (3.5)Geen
Why are Americans being forced to consider homosexual acts as morally acceptable? Why has the US Supreme Court discovered a constitutional right to same-sex "marriage", which until a decade ago, was unheard of in the history of Western or any other civilization? Where has the "gay rights" movement come from, and how has it so easily conquered America? The answers are in the dynamics of the rationalization of sexual misbehavior. The power of rationalization--the means by which one mentally transforms wrong into right--drives the gay rights movement, gives it its revolutionary character, and makes its advocates indefatigable. The homosexual cause moved naturally from a plea for tolerance to cultural conquest because the security of its rationalization requires universal acceptance. In other words, we all must say that the bad is good. At stake in the rationalization of homosexual behavior is reality itself, which is why it will have consequences that reach far beyond the issue at hand. Already America's major institutions have been transformed--its courts, its schools, its military, its civic institutions, and even its diplomacy. The further institutionalization of homosexuality will mean the triumph of force over reason, thus undermining the very foundations of the American Republic.… (meer)
Titel:Making gay okay : how rationalizing homosexual behavior is changing everything
Auteurs:Robert R. Reilly
Info:San Francisco : Ignatius Press, c2014.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:#Borrowed - mom

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Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything door Robert R. Reilly

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I read partially this book (yep, title and blurb) and under a doctoral language costume it shows only blatantly ignorant bigotry.

Despicable. ( )
  Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
5197. Making Gay Okay How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything, by Robert R. Reilly (read 11 Sep 2014) This is a 2014 book which aims at showing how some homosexuals seek to force society to condone and even approve what they do sexually. The author makes a powerful case that giving them what they want--not only tolerance but approbation-- presents some problems. I have never rejected what I was taught about morality and the need to avoid what to me is sinful, so I have no quarrel with the author's thesis that one should avoid what is clearly an unhealthy life style. He also raises serious questions as to whether homosexuality is immutable for all those who practice it. And he likewise shows that the vaunted change in the listing of homosexualtiy as not deviant behavior was the result not of study but of determined campaigning by some homosexual activists. The book is full of interesting argument and deserves study by all who are interested in the subject. ( )
2 stem Schmerguls | Sep 11, 2014 |
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Why are Americans being forced to consider homosexual acts as morally acceptable? Why has the US Supreme Court discovered a constitutional right to same-sex "marriage", which until a decade ago, was unheard of in the history of Western or any other civilization? Where has the "gay rights" movement come from, and how has it so easily conquered America? The answers are in the dynamics of the rationalization of sexual misbehavior. The power of rationalization--the means by which one mentally transforms wrong into right--drives the gay rights movement, gives it its revolutionary character, and makes its advocates indefatigable. The homosexual cause moved naturally from a plea for tolerance to cultural conquest because the security of its rationalization requires universal acceptance. In other words, we all must say that the bad is good. At stake in the rationalization of homosexual behavior is reality itself, which is why it will have consequences that reach far beyond the issue at hand. Already America's major institutions have been transformed--its courts, its schools, its military, its civic institutions, and even its diplomacy. The further institutionalization of homosexuality will mean the triumph of force over reason, thus undermining the very foundations of the American Republic.

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