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I Got the Rhythm door Connie…
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I Got the Rhythm (editie 2014)

door Connie Schofield-Morrison (Auteur)

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8372027,203 (4.15)Geen
On a trip to the park with her mother, a young girl hears a rhythm coming from the world around her and begins to move to the beat, finally beginning an impromptu dance in which other childen join her.
Titel:I Got the Rhythm
Auteurs:Connie Schofield-Morrison (Auteur)
Info:Bloomsbury USA Childrens (2014), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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I Got the Rhythm door Connie Schofield-Morrison

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"The beat is all around her when a girl takes a walk in the park with her mother.

On a lovely summer day, a young African-American girl in a bright pink sundress and matching sneakers sees, smells, sings, claps and snaps her fingers to an internal rhythm. As a boom box plays its song and a drummer taps his beat, neighborhood children join her in an energetic, pulsating dance culminating in a rousing musical parade. Schofield-Morrison’s brief text has a shout-it-out element as each spread resounds with a two-word phrase: “I shook a rhythm with my hips. /SHAKE SHAKE”; “I tapped the rhythm with my toes. / TIP TAP.” Morrison’s full-bleed, textured oil paintings capture the joy of a mother and daughter in an urban park surrounded by musicians, food vendors and many exuberant children. Read this aloud with music playing loudly—not in the background. Morrison is a Coretta Scott King/New Talent Award winner, and this is a fine debut for his wife in their first collaboration.

A lively celebration of music and expressive dance. (Picture book. 3-6)"
  CDJLibrary | Mar 11, 2024 |
This book was such a fun read! It depicts a little girl who hears rhythm all throughout the day. Wherever she goes and whatever she does, she finds the rhythm in it. I loved the style this book was written in. When she says what she sees or does, it also has the sounds that the object makes. What would make this book so much fun in the classroom is that the teacher can have the students sing the sounds she hears! Such an enjoyable book! ( )
  aengolia | Feb 11, 2020 |
This book is about a little girl who says that she has the rhythm, She goes through 4 of her 5 senses and talks about how she can, hear, smell, touch, and see the rhythm. She eventually begins to dance with all of the rhythm she has discovered. This would be a good book to use in a music class to help introduce rhythm and beats. ( )
  bdb048 | Mar 11, 2019 |
This book was SO beautiful and fun. It is filled with gorgeous illustrations and an interactive story that young reader can engage in and get up and get moving. I would totally recomend all parents and teachers to have this book for those kids that have a little boogie in them. ( )
  frmarr | Jan 16, 2019 |
A little girl takes in the world around her and enjoys it as rhythm on her own. She didn't have to wait for someone to play music, she finds it all herself.
  weeniewen2 | Feb 28, 2018 |
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On a trip to the park with her mother, a young girl hears a rhythm coming from the world around her and begins to move to the beat, finally beginning an impromptu dance in which other childen join her.

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