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Winter Street: A Novel (Winter Street, 1)…
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Winter Street: A Novel (Winter Street, 1) (editie 2016)

door Elin Hilderbrand (Auteur)

Reeksen: Winter Street (1)

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8854925,279 (3.52)13
Fiction. Literature. HTML:In bestseller Elin Hilderbrand's first Christmas novel, a family gathers on Nantucket for a holiday filled with surprises.
Kelley Quinn is the owner of Nantucket's Winter Street Inn and the proud father of four, all of them grown and living in varying states of disarray. Patrick, the eldest, is a hedge fund manager with a guilty conscience. Kevin, a bartender, is secretly sleeping with a French housekeeper named Isabelle. Ava, a school teacher, is finally dating the perfect guy but can't get him to commit. And Bart, the youngest and only child of Kelley's second marriage to Mitzi, has recently shocked everyone by joining the Marines.
As Christmas approaches, Kelley is looking forward to getting the family together for some quality time at the inn. But when he walks in on Mitzi kissing Santa Claus (or the guy who's playing Santa at the inn's annual party), utter chaos descends. With the three older children each reeling in their own dramas and Bart unreachable in Afghanistan, it might be up to Kelley's ex-wife, nightly news anchor Margaret Quinn, to save Christmas at the Winter Street Inn.
Before the mulled cider is gone, the delightfully dysfunctional Quinn family will survive a love triangle, an unplanned pregnancy, a federal crime, a small house fire, many shots of whiskey, and endless rounds of Christmas caroling, in this heart-warming novel about coming home for the holidays.
Follow the Quinn family through the entire Winter Street Series:
  • Winter Street
  • Winter Stroll
  • Winter Storms
  • Winter Solstice
  • .
    … (meer)
    Titel:Winter Street: A Novel (Winter Street, 1)
    Auteurs:Elin Hilderbrand (Auteur)
    Info:Little, Brown and Company (2016), Edition: Reprint, 224 pages

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    Winter Street door Elin Hilderbrand

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    1-5 van 50 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
    I was afraid I was going to get lost in all the characters, but actually, it was easy to follow. The main character is Kelly and he's male so that threw me a bit for a while. This book reminded me a ton of Chesapeake Shores on the Hallmark Channel. It's all about one particular family and all their drama that ensues. It's nothing earthshattering, but very quick to listen to, and I am entertained by it, and will continue the series. ( )
      Mav-n-Libby | Feb 19, 2024 |
    Kelley Quinn and his second wife, Mitzi, run the Winter Street Inn in Nantucket; Kelley quit his financial industries job on Wall Street and bought the inn as a wedding present for her. The couple has been married for twenty years at the time of this novel. One of the highlights of the off-season is a big Christmas party that they throw at the inn. Two of Kelley’s three children from his previous marriage to Margaret, a bigtime news anchor in NYC, live with them: music teacher Ava and bartender Kevin, who is divorced. A third son, Patrick, lives in Boston with his wife and three children. Kelley and Mitzi also had another son, Bart, who recently joined the Marines at the age of 19. It has the charm of a typical holiday novel, plus it explores the complex relationships in this dysfunctional blended family, second chances, love, and forgiveness. A quick holiday read, but not one of Ms. Hilderbrand’s best works. the story is told through the perspective of various of the characters and the plot is a bit predictable. ( )
      bschweiger | Feb 4, 2024 |
    It is Christmas at the Winter Street Inn on Nantucket and Kelley Quinn has just found second wife Mitzi in a compromising situation with Santa Claus. Then she leaves him. His four children, Patrick, Ava, Kevin (with Margaret, a TV broadcaster), and Bart (with Mitzi). Patrick is a futures trader and in trouble with one of his trades. Ava is a music teacher at the local elementary school and tired of playing Jingle Bells. Kevin is a bar tender, in love for the second time with a French woman who works for the Inn and whose Visa has expired, but afraid to make a commitment. Bart, the youngest, is in the military and has just been posted to Afghanistan. ( )
      baughga | Oct 1, 2023 |
    Good book for the holidays. ( )
      PKolb | Sep 10, 2023 |
    This family is messed up and yet normal. I love that they all come together to help Kelly when his second wife up and leaves him. I am very much looking forward to reading the second book to see what happens with all of these characters. ( )
      Shauna_Morrison | Jun 25, 2023 |
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    » Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

    AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
    Elin Hilderbrandprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
    Bennett, ErinVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
    Harms, LaurenOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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    Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

    Fiction. Literature. HTML:In bestseller Elin Hilderbrand's first Christmas novel, a family gathers on Nantucket for a holiday filled with surprises.
    Kelley Quinn is the owner of Nantucket's Winter Street Inn and the proud father of four, all of them grown and living in varying states of disarray. Patrick, the eldest, is a hedge fund manager with a guilty conscience. Kevin, a bartender, is secretly sleeping with a French housekeeper named Isabelle. Ava, a school teacher, is finally dating the perfect guy but can't get him to commit. And Bart, the youngest and only child of Kelley's second marriage to Mitzi, has recently shocked everyone by joining the Marines.
    As Christmas approaches, Kelley is looking forward to getting the family together for some quality time at the inn. But when he walks in on Mitzi kissing Santa Claus (or the guy who's playing Santa at the inn's annual party), utter chaos descends. With the three older children each reeling in their own dramas and Bart unreachable in Afghanistan, it might be up to Kelley's ex-wife, nightly news anchor Margaret Quinn, to save Christmas at the Winter Street Inn.
    Before the mulled cider is gone, the delightfully dysfunctional Quinn family will survive a love triangle, an unplanned pregnancy, a federal crime, a small house fire, many shots of whiskey, and endless rounds of Christmas caroling, in this heart-warming novel about coming home for the holidays.
    Follow the Quinn family through the entire Winter Street Series: Winter Street Winter Stroll Winter Storms Winter Solstice.

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    Elin Hilderbrand's boek Winter Street was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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    Gemiddelde: (3.52)
    1 5
    1.5 1
    2 12
    2.5 4
    3 66
    3.5 16
    4 59
    4.5 2
    5 28

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