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The Red Church door Scott Nicholson
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The Red Church (origineel 2002; editie 2002)

door Scott Nicholson

Reeksen: Sheriff Littlefield (1)

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3501876,653 (3.64)11
A tale of unrelenting terror that showcases the dark, fertile imagination and unique voice of newcomer Scott Nicholson. Scott Nicholson's debut novel is the haunting, richly-layered story of a former minister of an abandoned church -- a murderous demon who has taken human form -- who returns...ready to begin a new killing spree.… (meer)
Titel:The Red Church
Auteurs:Scott Nicholson
Info:Zebra Books (2002), Mass Market Paperback
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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The Red Church door Scott Nicholson (2002)

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1-5 van 18 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
My first book from Scott Nicholson which I enjoyed, will be reading more. ( )
  domoore | Dec 3, 2023 |
Archer McFall has grown up believing that he is the second child of God. His brother Jesus has the human race believing that there is a Heaven and you have to be good and allow him in your heart.
Archer has purchased the Red Church, with all of its hauntings and deaths that occured around it.
Ronnie Day has heard all the rumours and fears even looking at the church in passing it. Frank Littlefield is the sheriff of Whispering Pines and deals with the death of his younger brother Samuel at the church.
There are those who want to see the retribution of the hanging of Wendell McFall back in the day. He was the preacher at the church and was having people believe in the second son of God.

This book has religious undertones throughout. Good argument about a second son and how things could be as the preacher preaches. You are taken through both sides of the argument and they really both make sense. ( )
  JReynolds1959 | Nov 18, 2021 |
3.5 stars! ( )
  Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |
I originally rated this 3.5 stars, rounded down to 3.

his is one of those generational tales where the family in the present has to pay for the sins of the family in the past. The character development was excellent, I thought. The plot was engaging and there is no doubt Mr. Nicholson has an excellent imagination.

The only thing that bothered me about this one is the fact that I think it got a little "churchy" at the end. A little more "churchy" and Christian themed than I normally would enjoy. But hey, what else did I expect from a book with the title of The Red Church, right?

All in all, I did enjoy this novel and I have found that I've been thinking on it and turning it over in my mind since I finished and that's the reason I revised my original rating up to 4 stars. Recommended! ( )
  Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |
Scott Nicholson's The Red Church is fast paced, scary, and damn good fun... everything a good horror novel should be. It's also more than that. It's insightful, thoughtful and sometimes downright poetic. The tale of a search for meaning, and the meaning of faith resonated with this lapsed Church of Scotland reader, and got me thinking about things I hadn't considered since my own teenage years. Scott's skillful use of several viewpoint characters, each with their own take on what is happening, only tightens the tension. I read this on the Kindle version, but I need to seek out a hard copy. This one's a keeper ( )
  williemeikle | Dec 22, 2018 |
1-5 van 18 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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A tale of unrelenting terror that showcases the dark, fertile imagination and unique voice of newcomer Scott Nicholson. Scott Nicholson's debut novel is the haunting, richly-layered story of a former minister of an abandoned church -- a murderous demon who has taken human form -- who returns...ready to begin a new killing spree.

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Scott Nicholson is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (3.64)
1 1
1.5 1
2 10
3 17
3.5 4
4 27
4.5 1
5 16


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