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The Birds of Pandemonium door Michele Raffin
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The Birds of Pandemonium (editie 2014)

door Michele Raffin

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17732159,603 (4.13)3
Pandemonium, the home and bird sanctuary that Raffin shares with some of the world's most remarkable birds, is a conservation organization dedicated to saving and breeding birds at the edge of extinction, with the goal of eventually releasing them into the wild. Raffin discusses her crusade to save precious lives, and offers rare insights into how following a passion can transform not only oneself but also the world.… (meer)
Titel:The Birds of Pandemonium
Auteurs:Michele Raffin
Info:Algonquin Books (2014), Hardcover, 240 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

The Birds of Pandemonium: Life Among the Exotic & the Endangered door Michele Raffin

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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I received this book from Librarything's Early Reviewers. I loved this book. It was an entertaining and easy read. I caught myself falling in love with these birds, and I do NOT consider myself a 'bird person' This an excellent story about a woman who stumbles into the world of avian breeding, quite by accident. Her home slowing developed into a non-profit bird sanctuary with a focus on conservation. It's a tale of one woman who makes all the difference and we should all be inspired to follow her lead- in one way, or another. ( )
  cabracrazy18 | Jul 8, 2024 |
A fascinating read by a true bird fanaticist. First, she took in foster and rescue birds, particularly "companion birds". Then she began rescuing endangered "exotic" species, and ultimately breeding them to help try to re-populate and save them from extinction. Along the way, we lucky readers grow to understand how communicative birds are, what outsized personalities many of them have, and why she is so passionate about her avian friends. Illustrated with gorgeous photographs (truly--the photographer should have been credited on the title page, in my opinion). ( )
  AnaraGuard | Nov 1, 2020 |
The story of how a woman went from rescuing a quail to breeding endangered species. The images were beautiful, and it was a fast and entertaining read. ( )
  jekka | Jan 24, 2020 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
In this charming memoir, Pandemonium Aviary's founder Michele Raffin describes her journey from attempting to rescue an injured bird on the side of the highway to becoming the head of a successful conservation non-profit that houses hundreds of birds in her converted backyard. The story is fascinating and inspirational, and full of charming human and avian characters. Raffin does a lovely job communicating the intelligence and emotional range of her charges, and the stunning color photos bring these exotic creatures to life. A genuinely fun and informative read. ( )
  pursuitofsanity | Nov 29, 2018 |
A delightful, fun read. ( )
  Lynsey2 | Apr 4, 2018 |
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I'm a sucker for free stuff, so when a friend told me about a big birdcage sitting by the side of the road with a sign tied to it that read FREE AVIARY, FREE BIRD, INQUIRE WITHIN, I hustled right over to have a look.
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Our birds have taught me how to meet their needs. Since they are such powerful educators, their stories are the heart of this book. Some of their journeys to our backyard can break your heart; their spirit and their revelations amaze and cheer me daily. In sharing their oddyseys -- and yes, their wisdom -- I hope to gently pull the rug from beneath what you think you know about these feathered familiars. I intend to convince you that "birdbrain!" is the finest of compliments. [15]
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Pandemonium, the home and bird sanctuary that Raffin shares with some of the world's most remarkable birds, is a conservation organization dedicated to saving and breeding birds at the edge of extinction, with the goal of eventually releasing them into the wild. Raffin discusses her crusade to save precious lives, and offers rare insights into how following a passion can transform not only oneself but also the world.

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Michele Raffin's boek The Birds of Pandemonium was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (4.13)
1 1
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 3
4 24
4.5 2
5 18

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