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The Empty Throne (The Last Kingdom Series,…
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The Empty Throne (The Last Kingdom Series, Book 8) (editie 2015)

door Bernard Cornwell (Auteur)

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1,0322020,827 (4.1)21
Britain, early 10th century AD: a time of change. There are new raids by the Vikings from Ireland, and turmoil among the Saxons over the leadership of Mercia. A younger generation is taking over. Æthelred, the ruler of Mercia, is dying, leaving no legitimate heir. The West Saxons want their king, but Uhtred has long supported Æthelflaed, sister to King Edward of Wessex and widow of Æthelred. Widely loved and respected, Æthelflaed has all the makings of a leader -- but could Saxon warriors ever accept a woman as their ruler? The stage is set for rivals to fight for the empty throne. Uhtred is still suffering from the wounds he received in battle. To recover his strength he needs to find the sword that caused the injury, but lost amid the battle's blood and mud, how could it be traced and who among the Vikings or Saxons might be holding it? In the end it is one champion, one hero, who will destroy the new Viking threat to Mercia and ultimately decide the fate of England.… (meer)
Titel:The Empty Throne (The Last Kingdom Series, Book 8)
Auteurs:Bernard Cornwell (Auteur)
Info:Harper (2015), 352 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Te lezen

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The Empty Throne door Bernard Cornwell

  1. 00
    Fin Gall (The Norsemen Saga, #1) door James L. Nelson (caimanjosh)
    caimanjosh: Fans of this book (and any others in his Saxon Tales) will quite enjoy Fin Gall. Both are Viking-era historical fiction with good characterization, a strong sense of historical detail, and are cracking good reads. Fin Gall takes place in Ireland rather than England, so those tired of medieval England might find the setting change refreshing.… (meer)
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1-5 van 20 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Dark Age drama at its finest! Uhtred is recovering from wounds he received in the last book, so he outthinks his opponents more than usual. Stiorra is grown and outhinking Uhtred! Uhtred’s son (Uhtred, lol) reminds me so much of Uhtred himself when he was younger, and it’s so funny to see Uhtred react to the wild things his son does like he didn’t do similar 20 years ago. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jun 8, 2024 |
Another one I forgot to update but this might be one of my favorite books in the series. A lot of times some series start to lose their luster after a ton of entries…not this one. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Britain, early tenth century AD: a time of change. There are raids by the Vikings from Ireland, and turmoil among the Saxons over the leadership of Mercia. A younger generation is taking over.
When Ethelred, the ruler of Mercia, dies, he leaves no heir. The West Saxons want their king, but Uhtred has long supported Ethelfraed, sister to King Edward of Wessex and widow of Ethelred. ( )
  creighley | Aug 8, 2022 |
Book #8 is the Saxon Tales series. Most of the action that takes place here is in Mercia and tells how King Alfred's daughter, Lady Aethelflaed, comes to assume the Mercian throne. Stiorra, Uhtred's daughter, rides off into the sunset with Dane, Sigtryggr, with Uhtred's understanding. There were fewer battle scenes in this book and hence it gained another half star. IMHO, Cornwell seems to be a master of the historical fiction. 325 pages ( )
  Tess_W | May 1, 2022 |
Uhtred is deathly ill from the wounding he suffered in /The Pagan Lord/. Still, he is near the frontline defenses when political intrigue and assassination threaten Alfred’s dream of a united England.

In this story, Mercia still fights to vanquish the pagans from its borders. Athelred, severely wounded in the same battle as Uhtred, succumbs to his injury. His seat in Mercia is in contention, as he has no male heir. Edward, as the king in Wessex, makes his next move to absorb Mercia. His greatest obstacle is his sister, the Lady Athelflaed. Uhtred’s sworn oath to her leads him to use his talents to place her in the throne. At the same time, he must fulfill his oath to protect Edward’s eldest son Athelstan.

Another enjoyable voyage through medieval Britain as we watch the birth of England. ( )
  AMKitty | Jan 23, 2022 |
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Britain, early 10th century AD: a time of change. There are new raids by the Vikings from Ireland, and turmoil among the Saxons over the leadership of Mercia. A younger generation is taking over. Æthelred, the ruler of Mercia, is dying, leaving no legitimate heir. The West Saxons want their king, but Uhtred has long supported Æthelflaed, sister to King Edward of Wessex and widow of Æthelred. Widely loved and respected, Æthelflaed has all the makings of a leader -- but could Saxon warriors ever accept a woman as their ruler? The stage is set for rivals to fight for the empty throne. Uhtred is still suffering from the wounds he received in battle. To recover his strength he needs to find the sword that caused the injury, but lost amid the battle's blood and mud, how could it be traced and who among the Vikings or Saxons might be holding it? In the end it is one champion, one hero, who will destroy the new Viking threat to Mercia and ultimately decide the fate of England.

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Gemiddelde: (4.1)
2 2
2.5 1
3 27
3.5 17
4 87
4.5 13
5 54

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