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Wild Sweets: Exotic Dessert and Wine Pairings

door Dominique Duby

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Welcome to the world of wild sweets -- a place of indulgence where East meets West, innovation meets tradition. These playful desserts are based on wild and exotic ingredients and appeal to the senses in their taste, texture and shape. With Wild Sweets, Dominique and Cindy Duby introduce a whole new way of thinking about dessert. In seven chapters, they create a menu that elevates sweets from the ordinary to the sublime. No longer is dessert just one course: like a fine meal, it begins with canapes and cocktails, builds with sweet dishes made from fruit and berries, grains and seeds or even sweet vegetables -- often augmented with chocolate or icewine -- and finishes with decadent cookies and chocolates. To accompany each course, the Dubys suggest sweet wines and icewines to draw out the flavours and heighten the experience. From their unique professional life as food consultants, culinary educators, chocolatiers and participants in world pastry competitions, the Dubys share not only their outstanding original recipes but also their cooking secrets. In informative sidebars, they demystify the art and science of pastry with clear explanations of processes such as gelatinization and caramelization, since understanding how pastry works will help to prevent failures. In addition, they offer a primer on selecting colours, plates and serving dishes for artful presentation. Set the table, open a good bottle of icewine and prepare to be enchanted by the newest and most exciting developments in the world of sweets. Book jacket.… (meer)
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Welcome to the world of wild sweets -- a place of indulgence where East meets West, innovation meets tradition. These playful desserts are based on wild and exotic ingredients and appeal to the senses in their taste, texture and shape. With Wild Sweets, Dominique and Cindy Duby introduce a whole new way of thinking about dessert. In seven chapters, they create a menu that elevates sweets from the ordinary to the sublime. No longer is dessert just one course: like a fine meal, it begins with canapes and cocktails, builds with sweet dishes made from fruit and berries, grains and seeds or even sweet vegetables -- often augmented with chocolate or icewine -- and finishes with decadent cookies and chocolates. To accompany each course, the Dubys suggest sweet wines and icewines to draw out the flavours and heighten the experience. From their unique professional life as food consultants, culinary educators, chocolatiers and participants in world pastry competitions, the Dubys share not only their outstanding original recipes but also their cooking secrets. In informative sidebars, they demystify the art and science of pastry with clear explanations of processes such as gelatinization and caramelization, since understanding how pastry works will help to prevent failures. In addition, they offer a primer on selecting colours, plates and serving dishes for artful presentation. Set the table, open a good bottle of icewine and prepare to be enchanted by the newest and most exciting developments in the world of sweets. Book jacket.

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