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The Lone Gladio

door Sibel Edmonds

Reeksen: The Lone Gladio (1)

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20Geen1,129,493 (4.67)Geen
"Assassinations. Drug running. False flag ops. A shadow paramilitary global network. Synthetic wars. CIA-NATO: A darker truth. Operation Gladio Plan B: Murder. OG 68- aka Greg McPhearson- no longer works for the company. The hunter has now become prey. He knows this beast: what created him and shattered his soul. Until Mai. When he opened the door to her three years ago, he opened what soul he had left. Yet he belatedly discovers that no amount of pride or power can ever replace one precious breath... When the CIA orders his FBI bosses to call off a sting, Special Agent Ryan Marcello decides to do some digging. He calls in senior analyst Elsie Simon, expert in the Turkey-Central Asian-Caucasus nexus, to help track down the high-level target with ties to ruthless power players in a global narcotics-terrorism ring. Every lead and each new suspect brings them that much closer to home. With Elsie's help, and their lives at stake, the two begin their own investigation... The murdered son of a U.S. mogul leads to the hiring of Ryan and Elsie, who are used and then trapped in a byzantine scheme of retribution: of black ops within black ops, trails gone cold, kidnappings, blackmail, unexplained murders...a plot that extends from Russia and Azerbaijan to Cambodia, Vietnam, and is buried inside the Deep State. For his final mission, in a world where reality now stands on its head- My enemy's enemy is my enemy- no one would be spared...the Gladio would be acting alone."--Back cover.… (meer)
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Sibel Edmonds‘ new novel The Lone Gladio takes the reader on an exciting journey across the globe from Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan to Southeast Asia and the belly of the beast in the United States. As seemingly disconnected plot strands are brilliantly woven together, we get to see how one of the most important clandestine operations of our time works and who is pulling the strings behind the scenes.
The Lone Gladio is a must-read for everyone who is interested in the New Great Game in the Eurasian Balkans. Sibel Edmonds has written an eye-opening book, which sheds light on Operation Gladio B and provides much-needed information to understand current developments in Central Asia, the Caucasus and beyond.
toegevoegd door davidgn | bewerkThe New Great Game, Christoph Germann (Sep 27, 2014)
“The Lone Gladio,” the new novel by FBI whistleblower and founder Sibel Edmonds, is not just another spy novel. Yes, it is about spies…of a sort. And clandestine missions. And double-crosses and unsure loyalties. But that’s where the similarity ends…
The novel has all the twists and turns of any spy thriller, and then some. There is action, suspense, high-tech spy gadgetry, violence, and a love story. But what sets this book apart is that, unlike a Tom Clancy or John Le Carré novel, “The Lone Gladio” is not escapism. In fact, it is exactly the opposite: it is a vehicle for revealing the shocking reality underneath the surface of the mundane picture of the world we are presented with on the nightly news.
Eat your heart out, Fleming, Ludlow, Clancy, Le Carré; “The Lone Gladio” boldly goes where no mere spy yarn would dare.
toegevoegd door davidgn | bewerkThe Corbett Report, James Corbett (Sep 22, 2014)
Great spy novels are rare. Great books about state terrorism and geopolitics are even rarer. In The Lone Gladio Sibel Edmonds gives you both – an edge-of-your-seat thriller combined with a devastating exposé of some of NATO’s very worst crimes ....

What is most impressive about this novel is that while it effortlessly apes all the usual bells and whistles of spy thrillers it is a very subversive book. I have read literally hundreds of spy stories and I cannot think of another that offers the reader as much as The Lone Gladio. For a dozen different reasons, I could not put this book down, and you won’t be able to either.
toegevoegd door davidgn | bewerkSpyCulture, Tom Secker (Sep 22, 2014)
Sibel does a great job of portraying what I suspect is the reality of the slimy underbelly of the "deep state" without turning the bad guys into noble actors or falling into the trap that the USA actually has any good intentions and sometimes, regrettably (yeah, right) has to do evil to meet those ends.

I highly recommend this book....
I’m a sucker for Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum type spy novels.

Sibel Edmonds’ The Lone Gladio is a great read. It’s one of the best action, thriller, spy novels I’ve ever read.

It’s such a page-turner that I stayed up way too late reading … and ignored my work. I had to find out what happened to the main characters!

Written with all the excitement of a Clancy or Ludlum novel, The Lone Gladio blends the typical male spy thriller voice with a unique female voice … which provides an interesting and complex perspective.
toegevoegd door davidgn | bewerkWashington's Blog, George Washington (Aug 31, 2014)

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"Assassinations. Drug running. False flag ops. A shadow paramilitary global network. Synthetic wars. CIA-NATO: A darker truth. Operation Gladio Plan B: Murder. OG 68- aka Greg McPhearson- no longer works for the company. The hunter has now become prey. He knows this beast: what created him and shattered his soul. Until Mai. When he opened the door to her three years ago, he opened what soul he had left. Yet he belatedly discovers that no amount of pride or power can ever replace one precious breath... When the CIA orders his FBI bosses to call off a sting, Special Agent Ryan Marcello decides to do some digging. He calls in senior analyst Elsie Simon, expert in the Turkey-Central Asian-Caucasus nexus, to help track down the high-level target with ties to ruthless power players in a global narcotics-terrorism ring. Every lead and each new suspect brings them that much closer to home. With Elsie's help, and their lives at stake, the two begin their own investigation... The murdered son of a U.S. mogul leads to the hiring of Ryan and Elsie, who are used and then trapped in a byzantine scheme of retribution: of black ops within black ops, trails gone cold, kidnappings, blackmail, unexplained murders...a plot that extends from Russia and Azerbaijan to Cambodia, Vietnam, and is buried inside the Deep State. For his final mission, in a world where reality now stands on its head- My enemy's enemy is my enemy- no one would be spared...the Gladio would be acting alone."--Back cover.

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