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It's Raining Angels and Demons: A…
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It's Raining Angels and Demons: A Slacker Demons Novel (editie 2015)

door Jennifer Stevenson (Auteur)

Reeksen: Slacker Demons (2)

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Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Heaven doesn't remember them, Hell doesn't want them, and horny women are after them. It's raining angels and demons! MAN DROUGHT ENDS! Angels and demons fall into the arms of love-deprived women in a sleepy Chicago neighborhood. Only two women get cheated. One angel and one demon find refuge with a team of sex demons...but they're not safe yet. Those two women are hunting them. Keek's self-esteem problems have led to a certain lifestyle with men. Angel Jioffriel is innocent in every way until he stumbles into Keek's arms, but he's judgmental about her lifestyle. Mella's pickier than Keek. When she meets demon Mutmumtazarek, for the first time she sees past a guy's flaws—the six inch claws, the bat wings, and other demonic attributes—to the frightened beast inside. Can the sex demons teach Jeff and Mutt enough to satisfy the women they love? It's raining angels and demons!

.… (meer)
Titel:It's Raining Angels and Demons: A Slacker Demons Novel
Auteurs:Jennifer Stevenson (Auteur)
Info:Book View Cafe (2015), 136 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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It's Raining Angels and Demons door Jennifer Stevenson

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1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
There's a little bit of plotting to set up for a lot of well written sex scenes. It was a light, fun read, and characterization was there; I cared about the characters and was curious about what would happen to them. And then it ended. The book ended. This is a good book for the beach. ( )
  jaelquinn | Dec 30, 2016 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is part two in a series, both of which I've won from ER and read. While picking up where the previous left off, this one can stand alone entirely.

This was a very short book, and took me about a day to get through. It's very light and fluffy, without too much in the way of a plot. I enjoyed the characters, and their interactions, and found this a fun read, but after I finished I found I wished that a bit more of a story had been present. I do like the brief hints of world-building, and would really enjoy a more thoroughly fleshed out book by this author. I see this as something you read with frequent interruptions, maybe by the side of a pool.
  foldedleaves | Jul 7, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
When I won this book through the Early Reviewers program and realized that it was a "book two" in a series, I procured a copy of the first book, It's Raining Men: Slacker Demons Book One so that I wouldn't be lost while reading this piece. Book One was cute: frou-frou with a silly overarching plot, a fairly well-developed world, and characters who had motives for their actions. I laughed a few times while reading that one. Book Two picks up exactly where Book One leaves off, and it's all downhill from there. Book Two, which follows different characters altogether, completely lacks a plot, barely explores the new reality of the world, and the characters within do not even know what motivates them. Book Two seemed like an excuse for the author to write graphic sex scenes, and the whole book rubbed me as a little predatory. It was so plotless that I did not even realize that I was close to the end of the book when I finished it. ( )
  freeluna | Jun 4, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
You are bore, lonely and you dont want to commit to a 500 pages book. This book is for you.

Angels and demons are falling from the sky. They are naked, looking yummy and dump, what!
you will have a good laugh. ( )
  NaNalilo | May 31, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Well, I did not see that coming is all I can say without giving away the plot and ending. I read once that if you have to write to the author (excluding the authors who are not with us anymore) to ask what their book really meant, or what it said or what the heck happened, then you just did not get it and that was that!!! I did not get it at all. Initially I thought it was just one of those books about a washed up alcoholic policeman who had experienced tragedy and was not able to recover. There are unanswered questions about the tragedy and other areas that could have used some elucidation. But perhaps the picture was clear and I did not see it.

Why then did I give it a three rating. I like a hard-luck story. And it had sort of a noir feel to it. "All around him tried to help, but he rushed headlong into his fate" kind of deal. ( )
  oldmysfan | May 30, 2015 |
1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Heaven doesn't remember them, Hell doesn't want them, and horny women are after them. It's raining angels and demons! MAN DROUGHT ENDS! Angels and demons fall into the arms of love-deprived women in a sleepy Chicago neighborhood. Only two women get cheated. One angel and one demon find refuge with a team of sex demons...but they're not safe yet. Those two women are hunting them. Keek's self-esteem problems have led to a certain lifestyle with men. Angel Jioffriel is innocent in every way until he stumbles into Keek's arms, but he's judgmental about her lifestyle. Mella's pickier than Keek. When she meets demon Mutmumtazarek, for the first time she sees past a guy's flaws—the six inch claws, the bat wings, and other demonic attributes—to the frightened beast inside. Can the sex demons teach Jeff and Mutt enough to satisfy the women they love? It's raining angels and demons!


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Jennifer Stevenson's boek It's Raining Angels and Demons was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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