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Teachers' Resource Book 2

door Annette Smith

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PM Writing has been specifically developed for use in the early years of schooling. The PM Writing Teachersa Resource Books have been developed to explicitly teach writing skills and knowledge across a range of student abilities in the first three years of schooling. The specific learning tasks included in the program make it appropriate for the whole class, small-group or individual teaching and learning sessions. Each Teachers' Resource Book contains a comprehensive lesson plans based on the exemplars for teaching and writing, levelled exemplar texts, student books and Interactive writing pro formas a theme-based lesson plans a listening and speaking activities a writing assessment guidelines a an analysis of writing samples across the three key stages of early writing development a early, developing and consolidating/extending a scope and sequence of learning outcomes in the first three years of school a links to other books within the PM collection a PM Writing Interactive Writing Pro Formas (on CD-ROM) a featuring scaffolded pro formas for each of the key text types, ideal for whole-class and small-group use on interactive whiteboards and data projectors a PM Writing Lesson Planner (on CD-ROM) a allowing teachers to organise lesson plans and assign small-group reading and writing tasks to students a PM Writing Teaching in Practise (on DVD) a featuring indexed professional development videos that demonstrate teaching strategies for whole-class modelled and small-group guided writing sessions.… (meer)
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PM Writing has been specifically developed for use in the early years of schooling. The PM Writing Teachersa Resource Books have been developed to explicitly teach writing skills and knowledge across a range of student abilities in the first three years of schooling. The specific learning tasks included in the program make it appropriate for the whole class, small-group or individual teaching and learning sessions. Each Teachers' Resource Book contains a comprehensive lesson plans based on the exemplars for teaching and writing, levelled exemplar texts, student books and Interactive writing pro formas a theme-based lesson plans a listening and speaking activities a writing assessment guidelines a an analysis of writing samples across the three key stages of early writing development a early, developing and consolidating/extending a scope and sequence of learning outcomes in the first three years of school a links to other books within the PM collection a PM Writing Interactive Writing Pro Formas (on CD-ROM) a featuring scaffolded pro formas for each of the key text types, ideal for whole-class and small-group use on interactive whiteboards and data projectors a PM Writing Lesson Planner (on CD-ROM) a allowing teachers to organise lesson plans and assign small-group reading and writing tasks to students a PM Writing Teaching in Practise (on DVD) a featuring indexed professional development videos that demonstrate teaching strategies for whole-class modelled and small-group guided writing sessions.

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