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Love Will See You Through: Martin Luther…
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Love Will See You Through: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Six Guiding Beliefs (as told by his niece) (editie 2014)

door Angela Farris Watkins (Auteur), Sally Wern Comport (Illustrator)

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475557,930 (4.4)Geen
The niece of Martin Luther King Jr. reveals six timeless and universal principles that encompass the civil rights leader's greatest legacy, reinforcing the truth that "the universe honors love."
Titel:Love Will See You Through: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Six Guiding Beliefs (as told by his niece)
Auteurs:Angela Farris Watkins (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Sally Wern Comport (Illustrator)
Info:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2014), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Love Will See You Through: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Six Guiding Beliefs (as told by his niece) door Angela Farris Watkins

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Toon 5 van 5
This book was written by Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece. She shares her his six guiding beliefs: Have courage, Love your enemies, Fight the problem, not the person who caused it, When innocent people are hurt, others are inspired to help, Resist violence of any kind, and The universe honors love. It also shares factual information about Dr. King's life. The illustrations help to support the text. ( )
  KristinaGr | Feb 9, 2020 |
This book was written by Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece. She narrates her Uncle's famous six guiding beliefs; 1. Have courage, 2. Love your enemies, 3. Fight the problem, not the person who caused it, 4. When innocent people are hurt, others are inspired to help, 5. Resist violence of any kind, 6. The universe honors love. She includes his struggles and hardships, as well as his accomplishments.

Age: 6-11
Source: JBLM Grandstaff Library
Book was used for strategy instruction: determining importance for Adv Lang and Literacy Method Class at Pierce College
  StephanieCoppolino | Mar 1, 2018 |
Six guiding principles that Martin Luther King Jr. unveils. As one might say, these are the golden rules of virtue and ethics as told by Martin Luther King Jr.
Grade: 2-6
Source: Pierce County Library ( )
  WAwobbuffet | Mar 1, 2018 |
The book is written by MLK Jr. niece. Uncle Martin and his six principals that were the strength for him to stand up for the rights of others. The book highlights the things that happened to MLK Jr. and how he got through.

Age- 5+
source- fort Lewis Library
  Otellie | Feb 28, 2018 |
Written by MLK's niece, this easy nonfiction selection offers up a personal look at the great Civil Rights leader through very short anecdotes that capture his guiding principles: Have courage, love your enemies, fight the problem not the person who caused it, when innocent people are hurt others are inspired to help, resist violence of any kind, and the universe honors love. One comes away wondering if these were every expressed per se by King or if the principles were gleaned by Farris-Watkins. I'll echo the critique of other reviewers who've said this book really wants back matter that offers up some explanation about process of deriving and illustrating the principles. What is the most striking about the book is Comport's art. Colorful and symbolic, it powerfully makes the points as much or more than the text. With so many books on King, I don't know if I'd add this to the library, but it does offer a different organizational framework and that would be worth examining from a writing perspective. Have students compare this volume with others that told a straight narrative, as opposed to narratives threaded together as illustrative of King's principles. ( )
  pataustin | Feb 3, 2015 |
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The niece of Martin Luther King Jr. reveals six timeless and universal principles that encompass the civil rights leader's greatest legacy, reinforcing the truth that "the universe honors love."

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Gemiddelde: (4.4)
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5 3

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