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Dictator (Book Three) (Cicero Trilogy) door…
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Dictator (Book Three) (Cicero Trilogy) (origineel 2015; editie 2016)

door Robert Harris (Auteur)

Reeksen: Cicero Trilogy (3)

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1,0223721,065 (4.13)33
"There was a time when Cicero held Caesar's life in the palm of his hand. But now Caesar is the dominant figure and Cicero's life is in ruins. Exiled, separated from his wife and children, his possessions confiscated, his life constantly in danger, Cicero is tormented by the knowledge that he has sacrificed power for the sake of his principles. His comeback requires wit, skill and courage - and for a brief and glorious period, the legendary orator is once more the supreme senator in Rome. But politics is never static and no statesman, however cunning, can safeguard against the ambition and corruption of others" --… (meer)
Titel:Dictator (Book Three) (Cicero Trilogy)
Auteurs:Robert Harris (Auteur)
Info:Hutchinson (2016), 384 pages

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Dictator door Robert Harris (2015)

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1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
The best 3 books i have ever read ( )
  nicolefdeb99 | Aug 13, 2024 |
  gutierrezmonge | Jul 30, 2024 |
Historical fiction at its best. Filled with real people whose stories can be verified or expanded by Google! The dictator in this case is Julius Caesar, but the story is centered around Cicero, the orator and politician. The narrator is Tiro, his devoted private secretary, born a slave and later freed by Cicero.

Tiro is an excellent narrator, telling what he was, sometimes telling what he thinks. The story opens as Cicero and Tiro are banished from Rome and sent on exile. Politics changes, however, and he is soon welcomed back.

Rome is ruled by three men including Pompey and Julius Caesar who is slowly but surely gaining control. As a result, he is publicly murdered by Brutus. Civil War ensues. Marc Anthony takes over, but he assasinating one dictator leading the way for another. Soon, Caesar's adopted son, Octavian, although only 18 becomes a player fighting against Anthony.

The book is readable, interesting, and includes a list of characters which is so helpful. Learned more about Rome than what I learned in school for sure. Will look for the other books in this series. ( )
  maryreinert | Jun 2, 2024 |
Wow, just wow. The best historical series I've read, and I've read lots of them. This is the conclusion of (basically) a reconstructed biography of Cicero by his slave/friend/secretary Tiro, and is so well researched and well written that it brings a whole new level of understanding to one of the pivotal epochs of Western history, and also one of the most familiar. This concluding volume covers the final collapse of the Roman republic and the death of Cicero in the aftermath of Caesar's assassination. Read it for it's own sake, and for the distant mirror it holds up to us in our current political travails. ( )
  dhaxton | May 3, 2024 |
Leggibile ma non all'altezza dei libri di Harris ( )
  permario | Apr 26, 2022 |
1-5 van 37 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
"Yet the real triumph of “Dictator” is how successfully it channels what is perhaps the supreme fascination of ancient Rome: the degree to which it is at once ­eerily like our own world and yet profoundly alien."
toegevoegd door bookfitz | bewerkThe New York Times, Tom Holland (Jan 8, 2016)
"Harris has written smart, gripping thrillers with settings as varied as England during World War II (Enigma, 1995) and the contemporary world of international finance (The Fear Index, 2012), but his Cicero novels are more akin to Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall in their subjects—men of towering intellect and humanity—and in their visceral evocation of history."
toegevoegd door bookfitz | bewerkKirkus Reviews, a (Dec 1, 2015)
"Yet its gripping dramas and powerful themes—the fragility of democracy and the fallibility of human beings among them—richly illuminate the conflicts of its era and our own."
toegevoegd door bookfitz | bewerkPublishers Weekly, a (Nov 30, 2015)
"Harris's version of the events preceding Caesar's assassination is persuasively realised, and he renders the terrifying uncertainty of its aftermath with such skill that the ensuing betrayal and destruction of the Roman Republic can almost draw a tear."
toegevoegd door bookfitz | bewerkThe Telegraph, Toby Clements (Nov 6, 2015)
"But Dictator is perhaps the least successful book of the trilogy, for reasons which are largely outside Harris’s control."
toegevoegd door bookfitz | bewerkThe Independent, Natalie Haynes (Oct 15, 2015)

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The melancholy of the antique world seems
to me more profound than that of the
moderns, all of whom more or less imply that
beyond the dark void lies immortality. But
for the ancients that "black hole" was infinity
itself; their dreams loom and vanish against
a background of immutable ebony. No crying
out, no convulsions - nothing but the fixity of
a pensive gaze. Just when the gods had ceased
to be and the Christ had not yet come, there
was a unique moment in history, between
Cicero and Marcus Aurelius, when man stood
alone. Nowhere else do I find that particular
-Gustave Flaubert, letter to Mme Roger de Genettes, 1861
Alive, Cicero enhanced life. So can his letters
do, if only for a student here and there,
taking time away from belittling despairs to
live among Virgil's Togaed People, desperate
masters of a larger world.
- D. R. Shackleton Bailey, Cicero, 1971
Voor Holly
Eerste woorden
Ik herinner me hoe de kreten van Caesars oorlogsbazuinen ons achtervolgden over de duistere velden van Latium - hun smachtend, jammerend gehuil, als van bronstige dieren - en hoe, toen ze verstomden, enkel nog het geschuifel klonk van onze schoenen op de ijzige weg, en onze wilde, hijgende adem.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

"There was a time when Cicero held Caesar's life in the palm of his hand. But now Caesar is the dominant figure and Cicero's life is in ruins. Exiled, separated from his wife and children, his possessions confiscated, his life constantly in danger, Cicero is tormented by the knowledge that he has sacrificed power for the sake of his principles. His comeback requires wit, skill and courage - and for a brief and glorious period, the legendary orator is once more the supreme senator in Rome. But politics is never static and no statesman, however cunning, can safeguard against the ambition and corruption of others" --

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4.5 23
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